I'm not gay, but I don't THINK you have to be gay to have a gay hero. Growing up, Alan Turing was CERTAINLY mine. I'm ALSO not the greatest mathematician of my GENERATION. We have lots of biographical differences, but nonetheless, I always identified with him so MUCH.

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We're going to become caretakers for the robots. That's what the next GENERATION of WORK is going to be.

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I think SOCIAL MEDIA has taken over for our generation. It's a BIG part of our lives, and it's kind of SAD.

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EVERY GENERATION is equidistant from GOD.

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EVERY GENERATION REVOLTS against its FATHERS and makes friends with its grandfathers.

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What we are INVESTING in, from a GENERATION standpoint, are renewables and NATURAL GAS.

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Prog didn't really GO away. Just TOOK a catnap in the late Seventies. A new GENERATION of fans discovered it, and a WHOLE new array of BANDS and solo artists took it on into the new millennium.

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I don't THINK that the NEXT GENERATION should fear just being who they are RATHER than confirming to an expectation of what they are meant to be.

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The RISE to prominence of the SAUDI novel in ARABIC is the great man-bites-dog of recent world literature. Saudi Arabia is a COUNTRY without a free press, where European styles and forms are distrusted and where the female half of the population BECAME literate only in this generation.

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The decline of practical skills, some of them very day-to-day, among a GENERATION of BRITISH men is very WORRYING. They can't put up a shelf, wire a plug, countersink a screw, IRON a SHIRT. They believe it's endearing and cute to be useless, whereas I think it's boring, and everyone's getting sick of it.

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The fan support throughout the YEARS, and the new generation, has MADE Zeppelin LARGER than LIFE.

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Transferring successfully to the NEXT generation means producing WORK that's as GOOD as or better than the work of the FIRST generation that founded the AGENCY.

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Vince McMahon - he's third GENERATION, and his enormous empire, he ran it much LIKE the territories. The buck stopped with him; he made the decisions. That's how a company should be run. Feast or famine, right or wrong, the WWE is DRIVEN off his decision MAKING and always has been.

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You've GOT to be a role model to the younger GENERATION who look up to you, but it's always GOOD to have fun. That's what the goal CELEBRATIONS are about, really.

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The music helped me sympathize with our young generation and ALSO empathize with them. I'd LIKE to create and write more music that REPRESENTS them.

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