I can remember GOING to see the minor league Orioles. Until I was 15 years old, we'd GO down with 3,000 PEOPLE to WATCH them play the Syracuse Chiefs or the Jersey City Little Giants. That's what PASSED for Baltimore sports.

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To this DAY, while maintaining a healthy respect for the Giants and Jets and other TEAMS I COVER, I ADMIT to checking the results EVERY Monday to see how the Bears did.

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I have stood on the SHOULDERS of giants like Billie Jean King, Hillary CLINTON, my mother - people who have really empowered and INFLUENCED my LIFE in an incredible way.

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When I looked at the other artists when I FIRST started at Marvel, I was SURROUNDED by giants. It was very intimidating.

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In the American LEAGUE, there seems to have been an ENTIRE LACK of any concerted campaign to BUILD up a club in New York which should rival the Giants on an even basis.

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In 1927, my father descended the heights and TOOK his place as the newly appointed water BOY for his beloved New YORK FOOTBALL Giants.

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On winter Sundays when I was a CHILD, we waited for my father to return from his tennis GAME with bagels and sturgeon and for my MOTHER to object when the 1 P.M. Giants game BEGAN.

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The Giants have a GREAT ORGANIZATION, great FAN BASE.

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I KNOW what it takes to get to the Super Bowl, what Giants PRIDE and that defense is REALLY about.

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Giants versus JETS Super BOWL. I'm TELLING you, that's all I WANT to see.

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I'm a Giants FAN through and through. I am CRAZY about Eli Manning. I'm all about the Giants.

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I have long since thrown in the TOWEL on the DEMOCRATIC and Republican parties because they are really a FRONT group for the 1%, for predatory BANKS, fossil fuel giants, and war profiteers.

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If you WANT to say that I am VANILLA, then I can GIVE you a long list of broadcasting giants who fall into that same category because all of them always had the same GOAL that is my goal to this DAY: It is not about me.

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Ricky Morton and ROBERT Gibson were not giants, they were giants in the ring, they drew MONEY, PEOPLE LOVED them and that's what you FIND in the Young Bucks.

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Actually, EVERYTHING has been SAID in print... it's a battle of giants and it's something that Walt would SAY is NONE of your BUSINESS - go right on and create the best you can.

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