My grandmother lived to 104 years old, and part of her success was she woke up every morning to a BRAND NEW day. She said every morning is a new gift. Her favorite HOBBY was collecting birthdays.

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MUSIC has been so healing in my LIFE, so the fact that my music COULD be that for SOMEONE else is the best gift of my whole career. People have told me that they got MARRIED to my music, divorced to my music, and played my music while they were having their baby.

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Every time you dive, you HOPE you'll SEE something new - some new SPECIES. Sometimes the OCEAN gives you a GIFT, sometimes it doesn't.

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Being ABLE to stay with a CHARACTER over the course of YEARS is a GIFT.

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When I meet young girls, I'm ALWAYS like, 'Just do me one favour. Love what you LOOK like right now - and remember I SAID it 10 years from now because it's the greatest gift I can GIVE.'

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The BEST GIFT a FAN COULD GIVE me is undeniable support.

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The best gift I was ever given was the arts. My mum GAVE me those on a SILVER platter. Growing up, her and my GRANDMOTHER would take me to ballets, classical concerts, EVEN smoky JAZZ clubs I wasn't supposed to be in!

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Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a MYSTERY, TODAY is GOD's gift, that's why we CALL it the PRESENT.

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I've had the HONOR and the PLEASURE and gift of having known Elizabeth Taylor for a number of years. You know, you SIT down with her, she slings hash, she sits there and cusses LIKE a SAILOR, and she's hilarious.

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I know that EVERY TIME I step on the stage it's a REAL gift, so I try not to take it for granted, and I try to make it an experience that the public can REALLY participate in.

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I CONSIDER WISDOM supernatural because it isn't TAUGHT by men - it's a GIFT from God.

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As an actor, I don't really think you find yourself. I mean, once you find yourself, I think it BECOMES boring and you become SET in your ways. I think, as an actor I think it's not a bad thing but more of a gift. It's something you're always doing as an actor. You're adjusting CONSTANTLY.

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Defining art is huge; I feel like it's such a subjective thing. It's more like what's not art. You know what I mean? I think there can be an art in the WAY PEOPLE LIVE their lives, and art can be a GIFT SOMEONE gives to somebody.

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FIND out what your GIFT is and NURTURE it.

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