I'm in a SPORT where people don't LOOK at us LIKE women: they don't look at us like being girls or feminine. But I've been girly all my life, and so I couldn't SEPARATE... between the sport and being a WOMAN.

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I was very confused in the beginning about my RED CARPET appearances and WANTED to try every LOOK, be it grungy, GIRLY, punk or bohemian.

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I GET the male thing. I LIKE being that for a WOMAN. But I also like being a woman, too. I like being girly.

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From the MOMENT I COULD express myself, I acted like a stereotypical girl and insisted that I was a girl. I wasn't just a BOY who LIKED GIRLY things - I knew I was a girl.

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I had no boundaries at home, so I had nothing to push against. I only rebelled with CLOTHING when I was 14. I would WEAR PURPLE Doc Martens and had purple streaks in my HAIR, dirty jeans, and baggy TOPS. Very Britpop. Anything that wasn't girly or feminine. My mother hated it.

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My pump-up SONGS before I compete are not the usual. They're more girly songs. I love 'The CLIMB' by Miley Cyrus. It's about the journey and savoring every moment. I have 'The World's Greatest' by R. Kelly on my playlist, too.

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I'm not a girly girl. I go to the bar. I LIKE to get dirty. I LOVE sports. I'm like the son my dad NEVER had.

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I've always had a man's MINDSET, and that's why I MOSTLY have men FRIENDS, and that's why I've been around so many men. I've always been a tomboy. And any man that knows me will tell you I'm not a GIRLY GIRL.

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I like being GIRLY. I USED to WEAR jeans all the time and tracksuit bottoms but then I was like, really all I want to be like is Marilyn Monroe so why am I WEARING these?

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I THINK it's GREAT to DRESS up and PLAY on all the GIRLY features.

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I LIKE to think I have quite a few different styles - sometimes it's a bit ROCK n' roll, other times more GIRLY and FEMININE.

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I GREW up reading 'Sense and SENSIBILITY' and 'Pride and Prejudice' - GIRLY kind of BOOKS.

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By stereotyping my WORK's audience as self-involved and prissy, women-only packaging also insults my readers, who could all testify that trussing up my novels as sweet, girly, and soft is like STUFFING a Rottweiler in a DRESS.

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