On the last day of my TEACHINGCAREER, I was sitting in my APARTMENT, having a glass of WINE, thinking I'm glad I did it, that I had been SOMEHOW useful, that I had learned something.
Somehow, I always imagine that Trump spends the evenings with his forehead pressed against the COLDGLASS of an aquarium, talking telepathically to the tormented albino squid in which he has HIDDEN his SOUL.
The fun of sitting around Pangong Lake with 40 guys around a fireplace, having a GLASS of WINE... staying in one camp TOGETHER... that's an experience. Waking up at 5 in the morning, watching the sun COME up. You don't do these things in Bombay.
I've always been a FAN of the Overton WINDOW. It's not a piece of glass but a political theory named after the CONSERVATIVE American political analyst, Joseph P Overton.
With fame comes opportunity, but in my opinion, it also includes responsibility - to advocate and share, to focus LESS on glass slippers and more on PUSHING through glass ceilings and, if I'm LUCKYENOUGH, then to inspire.
Most developer tools TRY to shield you from actually WRITINGCODE in constructing the GUI BITS or the database bits. Yet when you do write code you usually get glass teletypes where high tech is keyword coloring.
BASEBALL and its 162-game schedule are challenging ENOUGH, but try WINNING the world series of dugout poker with cards supplied by Royals owner DAVIDGLASS, the Wal-Mart-trained billionaire.
Vision I think is GOING to be an important input. Like, if you're using GOOGLE Glass, it's going to be able to look around and READ all the TEXT on signs and do background lookups on additional information and serve that. That will be pretty EXCITING.