Love doesn't make the WORLD GO 'round. Love is what makes the ride WORTHWHILE.

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Some of US THINK holding on makes us STRONG; but SOMETIMES it is letting go.

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LOOKING good and feeling good GO hand in hand. If you have a HEALTHY lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you're working out, you're GOING to feel good.

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I have to PICK myself up every day and say, 'The show must GO on,' MEANING life as I know it must go on, whatever the OBSTACLE is, I know I can handle it, and I can GET through it.

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Sometimes you film in your HOMETOWN, sometimes you go HALFWAY across the WORLD.

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Your ATTITUDE will go a LONG way in determining your success, your recognition, your REPUTATION and your ENJOYMENT in being a LAWYER.

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EVERYONE goes down a road that they're not supposed to go down. You can do TWO THINGS from it. You can keep GOING down that road and go to a DARK place. Or you can turn and go up the hill and go to the top - try to go to the top.

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In 1945, at the beginning of the Cold War, our LEADERS led us astray. We NEED to think of the Cold War as an aberration, a wrong TURN. As such, we need to go BACK to where we were in 1945 - before we took the road to a permanent war economy, a national SECURITY state and a foreign policy based on unilateralism and cowboy triumphalism.

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Business is WAR. I go out there, I want to kill the COMPETITORS. I want to make their lives MISERABLE. I want to steal their market share. I want them to fear me and I want everyone on my TEAM thinking we're going to WIN.

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We all have a DARK side. Most of us GO through life avoiding DIRECT confrontation with that aspect of ourselves, which I CALL the shadow self. There's a reason why. It CARRIES a great deal of energy.

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You have to let it all HANG out, let GO of the ideas that were more comfortable and EMBRACE some of the sadness in your LIFE.

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FOLLOW your passion. The rest will attend to itself. If I can do it, anybody can do it. It's possible. And it's your TURN. So go for it. It's never too late to BECOME what you always wanted to be in the first PLACE.

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