When I GO in the studio with POST, I have a really good idea of what he's GOING to GRAVITATE to, what we can work with.

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When you have a GOOD IDEA, the MONEY flows.

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It has NEVER been a GOOD IDEA to TRY to disarm TEXANS.

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It's just not a good IDEA to DRINK and drive; that is just COMMON SENSE. But common sense is not that common!

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What do I THINK of WESTERN civilization? I think it WOULD be a very GOOD idea.

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When our markets WORK, people throughout our economy benefit - Americans seeking to buy a CAR or buy a home, families borrowing to PAY for COLLEGE, innovators borrowing on the strength of a good idea for a new product or technology, and businesses financing investments that create new jobs.

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Regularly in MUSIC VIDEOS, I'll write the pitch and CONVINCE the artists that this is a good idea, and then I'm having to make concessions to meet in the MIDDLE.

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There are just two things you can do to win a Nobel prize - have a GOOD IDEA and PURSUE it effectively.

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In the Dead SEA Scrolls, there are many Aramaic texts from the time of Jesus, so one can get a pretty GOOD IDEA of what the language of Jesus looked liked.

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Just getting something in the BOOKS that makes sure PEOPLE with mental illness and TERRORISTS can't get guns WOULD be a good idea.

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I thought incorporating COLUMBUS and Platte COUNTY into the 1ST District was a good idea.

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I don't have the energy or the mental SECURITY to get involved with all that. I think it's a good idea to be ABLE to disappear into the story, so that the first THING the AUDIENCE SEES isn't you, but the part.

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I chaired the 1982 Democratic Party Commission on PRESIDENTIAL Nominations that created CERTAIN automatic delegates to the Democratic convention - the 'superdelegates.' It was a good IDEA then, and it is STILL a good idea.

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So many people WAIT AROUND for FUNDING, and if they're unsuccessful, they don't MAKE the film; if you've got a GOOD idea, that seems so pointless. There's always a way of doing it; you've just got to find it.

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I've ALWAYS wanted to make 'Swamp Thing.' I LIKE 'Swamp Thing.' I think it's a good IDEA, and I THOUGHT it would be a good venue for a 3-D movie, but there were rights issues with 'Swamp Thing.'

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