Just like all my novels, 'Illusion' is a GOOD WAY to OBSERVE where Frank Peretti was in his life when he WROTE it.

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There's no GOOD WAY to be the CENTER of a MEDIA maelstrom you did not CHOOSE for yourself.

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TAKE a picture of you in a mirror or/and get somebody to take a photo of you and look back at it, it's quite a good WAY to figure out what SUITS you and looks good.
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The scariest THING about 'Roy' was that it was SYNC sound. So, I had to worry about my diction all the more ALONG with my emotions, acting, and my dialogues. That was very challenging because it pushed me to work on my Hindi, and in a GOOD way.

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As you mature and GAIN a semblance of WISDOM and a sense of what life is all about... this is by no means TRUE of everyone, but a lot of actors like to escape themselves. Inhabiting another person's persona is OFTEN a GOOD way of escaping yourself.

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It's not DIFFICULT getting into the charts in Sweden. It's a very different musical climate, and in a very GOOD WAY, I THINK, because artists like Jose Gonzalez or The Knife can actually GET on the charts.

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I seem to have tireless energy when I get involved in things, on an almost OCD basis, which is a good way to do things because if you're gonna do SOMETHING, you'd BETTER MAKE sure you do it WELL.

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I PUT on fifteen pounds of MUSCLE, so that was a LOT of eating chicken and a high protein, low-carb DIET. Also a lot of heavy lifting and a very different kind of training with an ex-navy SEAL guy who wanted to kill me every time I got with him. In a GOOD way.

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Becoming a mother has turned my WORLD upside down, but in a REALLY GOOD way - it's the best.

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I recommend to any of you, that's ALWAYS a GOOD way to MAKE a FILM: USE the interesting bits.

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I feel like I have to be on my game because I have to HANDLE my SOLO stuff and Pentatonix stuff, so it has really kept me on my toes in a good WAY.

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My PARENTS showed me the GOOD WAY. The education I had with them and my DREAM to become a footballer never let me go off the path.

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I was a different kind of kid. Pau always knew what he wanted. He was really good at SCHOOL, really responsible. I was more of a LOOSE cannon, HONESTLY. I was RUNNING around and outside, and getting into a little trouble more than anything. But always in a good way. It was never my fault. It was the other GUY. I was just there.

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As a writer, I find that a good way of evolving a CHARACTER is through an EXAMINATION of his or her DEFINING RELATIONSHIPS - and what's more defining than a relationship with someone you LOVE?

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My dad was a theatrical guy. He wore a scuba SUIT one time because he said so-and-so was in the tank with the MAYOR. He didn't really care what people THOUGHT, so he was ABLE to put himself out there. He didn't have a lot of shame, in a good way.

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