In a finite WORLD this means that the PER capita share of the world's GOODS must steadily decrease.

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We are COME for your GOOD, for all your GOODS.

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Every NEW startup BUSINESS creates new opportunities. It doesn't matter whether you have a new app for college students or a HOME medical device for senior citizens; there are other multibillion noncompetitive corporations that are spending millions of dollars trying to MARKET their goods and SERVICES to your same audience.

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GIVE to everyone who begs from you; and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again. And as you WISH that men WOULD do to you, do so to them.

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I would just SAY there is one misperception of our veterans, and that is they are SOMEHOW damaged goods. I don't BUY it.

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You can EITHER invade a COUNTRY or leave them ALONE and TRADE with them. When goods cross borders, armies don't.

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Federal assistance helps millions of Americans escape poverty EVERY year by providing the stability needed to take advantage of NEW opportunities. In fact, it is our safety NET that allows full participation in the economy. More Americans purchasing goods MEANS more Americans making them, which means more American jobs.

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CHINA is not looking for a TRADE surplus but WANTS to import more FRENCH GOODS.

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War can really cause no economic boom, at least not DIRECTLY, SINCE an increase in wealth never does result from DESTRUCTION of GOODS.

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It is very NATURAL for me to SAY thank you to the GOODS that SUPPORT US.

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SPECULATION is only a WORD covering the making of money out of the manipulation of PRICES, INSTEAD of supplying goods and services.

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I started off THINKING that maybe the SOCIAL SCIENCES ought to have the kinds of MATHEMATICS that the natural sciences had. That works a little bit in economics because they talk about costs, PRICES and quantities of goods.

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I know I'm not some matinee idol, but I think we're SOLD this BILL of goods by the MEDIA, which says that only the most beautiful and dashing PEOPLE can become movie stars. So when someone LIKE me sneaks in, they have to redo the calculations.

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I personally THINK intellectual PROPERTY is an OXYMORON. Physical objects have a completely different NATURAL economy than intellectual goods.

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