The prima ballerinas who TAUGHT me were FAR more scary than Gordon Ramsay. They'd SCREAM at me and pull my legs and arms, so after them Gordon was a piece of CAKE.

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Personally, I have detested Gordon BROWN since the moment in 2001 when he TRIED to MAKE CHEAP capital out of the Laura Spence affair; as his troubles have piled up, I have felt no sympathy for him at all.

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My favorite was Jeff Gordon. I just followed him GROWING up because I started WATCHING racing when he CAME on the scene.

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Hendrick DEFINITELY realises that we're young and TRYING to learn - and wrecking cars is part of how you learn. Jeff Gordon went through 20 something clips in his first season, but RICK Hendrick realised he had to take a chance on Jeff Gordon. They wrecked a lot of cars, but Jeff Gordon has GIVEN him four CHAMPIONSHIPS.

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Doc SAVAGE, INDIANA Jones, Flash Gordon... these were the kinds of CHARACTERS I was thinking about as I was developing Jonas QUANTUM because there aren't that many brand new characters being introduced ANYMORE.

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Eric Gordon is a GREAT scorer.

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Looking back at those GREAT SINGERS like Gordon MacRae and Howard Keel - they have such a SPECIFIC kind of STYLE that it seems like we don't really APPRECIATE anymore.

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