It's an HONOUR to GRAB the attention of great COACHES in Europe, from MANCHESTER and from our own national TEAM.

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When CHELSEA came calling for me, it was an opportunity, it was a chance and looking from the outset you MAY not be SURE how it's going to go. But it's one you can't turn down, you have to grab it with both HANDS. Then you have to work as hard as you can to MAKE it work.

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My average DAY on 'Leverage' STARTS at 5 A. M. and ends 12 to 14 hours later. An hour DRIVE to the SET and back sometimes makes the day unbearably long. You have to grab a few MINUTES to yourself where you can.

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I can't bear to LOOK at Paris Hilton and all that. I mean, it really doesn't grab me. I don't THINK she's interesting, and the SENSE of values seems SORT of off-kilter.

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It's a physical THING that can GRAB a hold of data and literally rearrange our lives by changing the direction you TAKE your car in. This continuum is going to keep building on itself as we move forward into the FUTURE.

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Some people are drawn NATURALLY - there are natural guitarists, and there are natural piano PLAYERS, and I THINK guitar implies travel, a sort of footloose gypsy EXISTENCE. You grab your bag and you go to the NEXT town.

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I have a WONDERFUL piano that I REALLY love: a handmade Yamaha GRAND. Sometimes I'm sitting there, and it sounds so good that I find some little melody or a PHRASE that leads me into a song, but probably more often than not, I actually grab a notebook.

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Television allows for survival, which is the BASIC ISSUE for me. You have to decide how much money is enough. You can't GET carried away with the HUNT for money. But there are TIMES it shows up, and you need to grab it, and that allows you to hunt for a better script.

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I'm more of a visual PERSON, but I think that reading's extremely important. But I'm very easily DISTRACTED. It TAKES certain BOOKS to really grab you in.

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As the REPUBLICANS run to the CRAZY Tea Party RIGHT, they leave behind the huge MASS of genuinely moderate and independent Americans that make up the majority of voters. The ones that USED to consider themselves now-extinct moderate Republicans. They're up for grabs. And the Democrats have to grab them!

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I like to keep a book underneath the pillow that I'm not sleeping on so I can reach over and GRAB it when I wake up. I don't always do that, but I like to. I TRY to make sure it's a book and not my laptop. I also try not to get too EXCITED about who might've been trying to contact me while I was ASLEEP.

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When you're a girl, passion can dominate the equation, but as you grow up relationships EVOLVE. Mad passion can grab you at FIRST, but it can't last forever.

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It makes no difference to me what kind of bat I have. For INSTANCE, I OFTEN GRAB the first bat I come across when I go up to the PLATE. Muggsy McGraw uses a light stick and Jake Stenzel uses a heavy one, but I'm liable to take any one of the miscellaneous lot that falls in my WAY.

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And for me the only WAY to LIVE life is to grab the bull by the horns and call up recording studios and SET dates to go in recording studios. To TRY and accomplish SOMETHING.

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I'd grab the CAMERA and TELL people what to do, and when I was 14, SOMEONE told me that it was called DIRECTING.

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