When I graduated COLLEGE, I decided that I was GOING to TRY to be an ACTOR, but it was my dirty secret.

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I GREW up in that band. Some people go to COLLEGE and get a Master's. I went to My Chem ACADEMY, and I feel like I graduated with HONORS.

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I grew up THINKING that I would be an ambassador secret AGENT. From AGE 14 to right before I graduated COLLEGE, I was really INTERESTED in the foreign service and the United Nations. I learned to speak French, Turkish, and all these things.

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When I graduated from UNIVERSITY I TRIED to buy a beeper, and it COST me $250. My pay at the TIME was $10 a month.

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I graduated high SCHOOL in 1974 when Roe v. Wade had only just been passed. Ms. MAGAZINE was only just STARTING, and women were really feeling empowered to PURSUE their dreams and their careers, and I was excited to enter a new field of TECHNOLOGY.

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I was given this MUSIC programme called Cubase, one of the first multi-layering programmes, when I was seven, and I graduated to Logica at 11, and that BECAME my PRIMARY INSTRUMENT.

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When I was a CHILD, I wanted to be... a fairy. I STILL do, really, EXCEPT that now I've now graduated to WANTING to be a pixie.

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I DROPPED out of SCHOOL for a semester, transferred to another college, switched to an ART major, graduated, got married, and for a while worked as a GRAPHIC DESIGNER.

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I MADE a promise to myself when I graduated from LAW school that I would never do anything that I didn't enjoy doing, and almost every day of the year SINCE that June of 1963, I have awakened glad that I was going to WORK, glad that I was going to COURT, glad that I was going to grapple with a problem.

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When I started, there were no Indians on television or films, except for Sir Ben Kingsley. I was an ACTOR in high school, college, and I played LEADS. And when I graduated, I knew that I couldn't go to Hollywood and AUDITION for shows or films. I could TRY, but where was the evidence that it was going to happen?

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I graduated college valedictorian, got an M.A. from Columbia UNIVERSITY in Spanish literature at the age of twenty-two, and STILL couldn't ANSWER the question 'What do you WANT to do with your LIFE?'

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No KID ever graduated school and SAID, 'I want to GO into advertising.' Advertising is almost everyone's second or THIRD choice.

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I graduated with a CLASS of 35 people. We had BASICALLY just ENOUGH people to actually have a PLAY.

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I started many YEARS ago using the BOSS DS-1 and then graduated to the Satchurator and putting that right into that clean channel, and that sounds GREAT. I've DONE many tours with that setup. Then we took the NEXT two channels that were part of the JVM sound in channel 1 and made them a little more subtle.

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I graduated from high school in '62 and I didn't know any PEOPLE who were GAY. I'm sure there were people, but I didn't know any. For years and years, I GUESS, I was very uptight about being a gay ACTOR. I thought it would MAKE me less hirable.

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