The TRUE wrestling fans that watch TNA Impact, I THINK they've ALWAYS known. I don't want to SAY they take it for granted in anyway, but they always just know that TNA and Impact Wrestling are GOING to give them women's wrestling.

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FREEDOM is the freedom to say that two plus two MAKE four. If that is GRANTED, all ELSE FOLLOWS.

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Sexuality surrounds us like a dangerous aura. The same reverence that is GIVEN to the SPIRIT is not given to the flesh. We have had a SEXUAL revolution, but the sexual revolution only has made sex more pervasive. It hasn't granted the LEVEL of reverence and respect that it should have.

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You've ALWAYS GOT to work to your HIGHEST ability level. When times are great and restaurants are jamming, that's when some restaurants GET sloppy and take things for granted. Never take things for granted.

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You can't take your win for granted. Your NEXT win might be your last win or you might NEVER get to your next win, so I can't imagine not being overcome with joy by WINNING and never taking winning for granted.

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Happiness is perhaps painlessness, a STATE one rarely appreciates. Happiness, then, is very much like a great TALENT. It rarely gets APPRECIATED and is TAKEN for GRANTED.

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When God GIVES you a SECOND CHANCE, it's not something you take for GRANTED.

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There is no fool like a CARELESS gambler who starts TAKING victory for GRANTED.

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When you REALLY STRUGGLE at one THING, you don't TAKE it for GRANTED.

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I will NEVER, EVER TAKE for GRANTED scoring a hundred for AUSTRALIA.

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I would not take for GRANTED that my personal LIFE - because I KNEW better than anybody - that it was just a life. It was surprisingly an ORDINARY life.

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By age seven, I used to comb my HAIR for performances, just pull my hair up into a bun. Granted, it wasn't a very intricate hairstyle. STILL, to be that RESPONSIBLE and DISCIPLINED at age seven is unusual.

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I wake up every morning in a house that was BUILT by slaves, and I watch my daughters - two beautiful, intelligent black young women - playing with their DOGS on the White House lawn. And because of Hillary CLINTON, my daughters, and all our SONS and daughters, now TAKE for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.

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Everybody's ALWAYS asking me: 'What's it like playing with LeBron?' It's really hard to describe. I'm pretty fortunate that I got him my first YEAR. He's an awesome GUY, a GREAT leader. You're witnessing such greatness all the time and you TRY not to take it for granted because you see it so often, in practice or wherever.

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PREPARATION is such a BIG THING and you should never take that for GRANTED.

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