We've learned a lot by building the International Space STATION, the good, the bad. But, the FACT is is that WORKING TOGETHER as a team, unity aboard that space station, we can ACCOMPLISH great things.

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One of the GREAT things about being gay and out is that the PAPERS couldn't care LESS about your LOVE life.

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One of the GREAT things about acting is you can do things that in real life WOULD get you in TROUBLE. I think that's something I figured out PRETTY EARLY on.

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All DIFFICULT THINGS have their ORIGIN in that which is EASY, and great things in that which is SMALL.

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There are so MANY GREAT THINGS about this country, but certain things we can't TAKE over and over and over again.

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I learned from McDonald's that we can do great THINGS from a marketing and advertising PERSPECTIVE, but if the experience at the restaurant isn't SUPERIOR, it MIGHT not matter.

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I feel so FORTUNATE to have great coaching. Coaches that have taught me great habits and taught me great THINGS about BASKETBALL and life, but I've always played for coaches who have HELD me accountable and that's made me a better player and person.

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Obviously, you get to do a lot of great THINGS and cool OPPORTUNITIES at the Super Bowl. But at the end of the day, we all WANT to be here as a player. That's the goal, and that's why I WORK so dang hard.

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It's always good to have PEOPLE from my SCHOOL accomplish great THINGS. It doesn't necessarily have to be just basketball. I WANT to SEE more people do other things from my school.

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That's one of the GREAT THINGS about THANKSGIVING: FOOTBALL's on!

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No man can PRODUCE GREAT THINGS who is not thoroughly SINCERE in DEALING with himself.

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That's one of the great THINGS about being an ACTOR. You get to learn all these things NORMAL people don't get to learn.

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When I lost my wife I had a whole different CONCEPT of her life. She lived 21 years and people who KNEW her KNOW it wasn't about the great THINGS she did on this earth. It wasn't that she had money or had popularity, it was that she loved Jesus Christ more than anything else in this WORLD. That was how she related to the world.

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LOTS of people have GONE from public housing to do great THINGS in the WORLD and have a tremendous SENSE of duty to their fellow man because of it.

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Mrs. PARKS was a SHY, SOFT spoken woman who was uncomfortable being revered as a symbol of the civil rights movement. She only hoped to inspire YOUNG people to ACHIEVE great things.

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