Some WRITING and production projects will be a great WAY to spend my ELDERLY ROCK years.

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I TRY to read for pleasure whenever I can - it's a great WAY just to SHUT it off for a while so your BRAIN doesn't get fried.

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Cooking CLASSES are a great way to hone your skills, learn new recipes, and meet like-minded friends. SPENDING TIME in the KITCHEN with people who love to cook as much as you do is FUN and educational.

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ACTING is a great way to make a living, especially when I consider what my ALTERNATIVES were and probably STILL are. I mean, you are only making movies. It is a lot less PRESSURE than being a SURGEON; although it seemed like the only other thing that I was qualified for was manual labour.
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Genre-spanning is the EFFORT to MAKE the LIVE show interesting. It's ALSO a great way to challenge yourself as a writer.

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I FOUND that PHOTOGRAPHY was a GREAT WAY of relaxing on the SET.

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From the time that I was a child, I loved interacting with PEOPLE. I would GO around door-to-door and sell CANDIES and gift-wrapping paper, and it was a great WAY to interact with people and communicate with people.

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New CLOTHES are a great way to DEAL after a BREAKUP. A good mix CD ALSO helps you get through it and... you know, 72 HOURS of ice cream.

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Thank you... adjustable BASEBALL caps with no logo on the front and MESH netting in the back, for being a great way to SAY, 'Hi, I'm over 80 YEARS old.'

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I love MAKING YOUTUBE videos. I love Tumblr, I love Twitter. I love TALKING with people I find INTERESTING about STUFF I find interesting, and the Internet is a great way to do that.

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I THINK 2tor has a chance of remaking higher ed in a really great way. If we do that, those INVESTORS will do WELL.

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I like the 'Keystone Kops' storyline. It didn't actually GO quite the way I wanted to, but it was another great way to SHOW how DIFFERENT LIFE was in these two different corners of the DCU, being on the ground in these different AREAS.

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There's no disputing that for pols, the Internet is a GREAT WAY to CONNECT with people and raise some cash and post 'Sopranos' parodies or play your opponent's macaca moments. But in a 'net root' sense, it's pretty USELESS for GETTING someone elected.

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SOAP operas are such a great way to break-in to the industry. The diminishing landscape of daytime TV means it's going to be harder for young TALENT to get DISCOVERED.
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A DOCUMENTARY FILM is a great way of helping people understand because, somehow, when one is ABLE to see the people involved, it lends a certain immediacy and understanding that is hard to GET on the page.

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