LITERATURE transcends national boundaries, racial boundaries. It goes deep into the issues that CONCERN all human beings. That is why, when PEOPLE read Greek tragedy - it doesn't matter who reads it - they are STILL moved by it.
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I am PROUD of being a GREEK of the diaspora.

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At times of distress, we all like to recall the ADVICE of fathers and mothers. The best advice my FATHER gave me was to keep faith and deep confidence in the potential of the GREEK people; nurture the BELIEF that they can do things.

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I go to church for the cultural element. It's where you go to see GREEK people once a week. It's real important to me, and I hope my CHILDREN see they're part of SOMETHING BIGGER than just this family.

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Few of the great WORKS of ancient GREEK LITERATURE are easy READING.

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The HIGHER Greek poetry did not MAKE up fictitious PLOTS; its business was to express the HEROIC saga, the myths.

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Greek was very much a live LANGUAGE, and a language still unconscious of grammar, not, like ours, dominated by DEFINITIONS and TRAINED upon dictionaries.

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People who look at GREEK statues NEVER SAY it's a shame because they're not COMPLETE.

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The CLOSER we COME to the GREEK TRAGEDY that is BREXIT, the more horrifying it is to behold.

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You don't want to sell a business to SOMEONE that you THINK is a Dane, or an American, or a Greek, then find out it's Chinese money or CONTROL BEHIND it.

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The GREEK SCULPTOR - I don't THINK he was very DIFFERENT from any of US.

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It was a GREEK TRAGEDY. Nixon was FULFILLING his own nature. Once it started it COULD not end OTHERWISE.

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And, of COURSE, it MUST be asked: is it proper to transact with the Turks for the most reassured of Greek POSSESSIONS when GREECE is under Turkish invasion and subjugation?

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I am what LIBRARIES and librarians have MADE me, with little assistance from a professor of Greek and POETS.

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You are about to have your FIRST EXPERIENCE with a GREEK lunch. I will kill you if you pretend to LIKE it.

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