As a kid, when most of my friends were into SUPERMAN and BATMAN, there was only one superhero who HELD my INTEREST - The GREEN Hornet.

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With the RIGHTS now in our LOVING HANDS, I'm beyond excited to bring 'The Green Hornet' into the 21st CENTURY in a MEANINGFUL and relevant way: modernizing it and making it accessible to a whole new generation. My intention is to bring a gravitas to 'The Green Hornet' that wipes away the camp and kitsch of the previous iteration.

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The passions grafted on wounded PRIDE are the most inveterate; they are GREEN and VIGOROUS in old age.

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I'll bring colleges and industry together to develop new products in MARINE SCIENCE, GREEN technology, and medical devices, and to train our workers to fill those JOBS... We need to get Rhode Islanders back to WORK.

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I like the original Metallica VERSION they did on 'Garage DAYS' - 'Last Caress' and 'Green HELL.'

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I see myself as no color. I can PLAY the role of a man. I can PAINT my face white if I want to and play the role of white. I can play a green, I can be a PURPLE. I think I have that KIND of frame and that kind of attitude where I can play an ANIMAL.

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I said, 'Ooh, DAD, I WANT the yellow ONES.' He said, 'Where?' I said, 'Right there, Dad. I want the yellow ones.' Everybody goes, 'Those are green'. That's how I KNEW I was colorblind.

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I created LOTS of characters in HIGH school and college, and the first CHARACTER I created in pro comics was Liana, Green Lantern of M'Elu, for a BACKUP story in 'Green Lantern #162,' my first professional sale.

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Personally, just being ABLE to compete in an Olympics, being part of an OPENING Ceremony wearing a green jacket with the rest of the Australian OLYMPIC team, would be a more than a DREAM COME true.

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My parents traveled a lot, so my grandparents PRACTICALLY raised me. My GRANDMOTHER and I really bonded in the kitchen. She's this amazing southern COOK, and I WOULD always help her - WHETHER it was cracking eggs or stirring the green beans. It takes me back there.

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Neodymium is one of 17 'rare-earth metals,' and these elements have TURNED out to be CRITICAL to the rapidly-growing GREEN TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIES.

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As a GROUP, we want to follow good and green strategy. Setting targets is one ELEMENT of that. The SECOND part is to DESIGN products which meet environmental goals.

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I could TAKE my grandma and PUT her in a cape, and they'll put her on a green screen, and they'll have stunt doubles COME in and do all the action. Anybody can do it. They're relying on stunt doubles and green screen and $200 MILLION budgets - it's all CGI created. To me, it's not authentic.

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I grew up in a household in which they'd always play old skool classic R&B LOVE songs - AL Green, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye... And my mom has even SAID that, when I was in her womb, she'd PUT the headphones to her stomach and play those songs to me!

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I'm asked all the TIME if there COULD be a Bernie Sanders collaboration, and my answer to that has always been yes. The Green PARTY has long sought to establish a collaboration with Bernie Sanders.

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