The SPACE between the TELEVISION SET and the viewer is HOLY GROUND.

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Those who profess to FAVOR freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are MEN who want CROPS without plowing up the ground.

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I don't KNOW how to GROUND myself WITHOUT the other ACTOR PRESENT.

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You can ALWAYS LAND on your FEET if you KNOW where the GROUND is.

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The NOVELIST must GROUND his work in FAITHFUL STUDY of HUMAN nature.

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There's SOMETHING to be said for failing. It's not the failure you feel, it's the failure that PEOPLE PROJECT when something disappoints. You're back to GROUND zero, where there's no EXPECTATIONS, and that's where I like to be.

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It is only when you watch the dense mass of thousands of ANTS, crowded together around the HILL, blackening the ground, that you begin to see the whole beast, and now you observe it thinking, planning, calculating. It is an intelligence, a kind of live COMPUTER, with crawling bits for its wits.

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There are moments in life, when the heart is so full of emotion That if by chance it be shaken, or into its depths LIKE a pebble Drops some CARELESS word, it overflows, and its secret, Spilt on the GROUND like water, can never be gathered TOGETHER.

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Unintelligent persons are LIKE weeds that THRIVE in good ground; they LOVE to be AMUSED in proportion to the degree in which they weary themselves.

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For me, there's NOTHING sexier than a WOMAN who can argue me into the ground and outsmart me... a woman who KNOWS her own MIND and isn't afraid to speak it.

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Well, I THINK first of all there was a failure to have real, CLEAR INFORMATION at our disposal. There was a real lack of situational awareness. We didn't have the capabilities on the ground to give us real-time, accurate assessments of the PHYSICAL CONDITION of the city.

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Sometimes you have to BURN yourself to the GROUND before you can RISE like a phoenix from the ASHES.

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GROUND ZERO for me is audio.
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It's HARD to GET PERSONAL FILMS off the GROUND, and it's hard developing them.

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SHOW me a MAN with both FEET on the GROUND and I'll show you a man who can't get his PANTS on.
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