The STATE's interest in marriage is stability. GENERALLY speaking, polygamy does not work for stability. Inherent in the WHOLE polygamous movement is a deep and abiding misogyny and denigration of WOMEN. So polygamy is objectionable on lots of grounds.
Terrorism is not a MATTER that can be left to LAW enforcement, with its deliberative PROCESS, built-in delays, and SAFEGUARDS that MAY let the prisoner go free on procedural grounds.
Whether or not anybody had invented the category in his lifetime, Babe Ruth was SURELY the Greatest LIVING Yankee almost immediately upon lofting HOME runs at the POLO Grounds, allowing the Yankees to build their own PALACE across the Harlem River.
In the suffragist and abolitionist ERA, there were a lot of white women and some black men and women who argued for the OLD hierarchy and against UNIVERSAL adult SUFFRAGE - OFTEN on religious grounds.
At most grounds you're not particularly conscious of the crowd but in Cardiff, with the roof closed against a good Welsh TEAM, the noise is impossible to ignore. It can be loud enough to PUT you off your game and the Welsh undoubtedly possess some of the most passionate fans in the WORLD.
As a PERSONALMATTER, I STOPPED voting more than a DECADE ago, on the grounds that it helped me as an analyst not to think about making a CHOICE in the voting booth.
There was a TIME in my LIFE when I was travelling to football grounds five DAYS a week. Combined with TV WORK and the hours spent driving to different venues as well as watching the game, it took up an enormous chunk of my life. But I'm getting older, and those days are LONG gone.