I describe in 'Chimpanzee Politics' how the ALPHA male needs broad SUPPORT to reach the TOP spot. He needs some close ALLIES and he needs many group MEMBERS to be on his side.

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I'm not REALLY part of any group or clique or gang because that's ALWAYS been my NATURE.

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The more DIVERSE a research GROUP or a business, the more robust it is, the more FLEXIBLE it is, and the BETTER it succeeds.

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Bunch together a group of people deliberately CHOSEN for strong religious feelings, and you have a PRACTICAL guarantee of DARK morbidities expressed in crime, PERVERSION, and INSANITY.

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If we had to PICK our GROUP's specialty, it WOULD be PERFORMANCE.

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We're GETTING ready to TAKE over the world. My GROUP of girlfriends - we're renegades.

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Moonlight is my theater GROUP. They are my home. I feel greatly appreciated there. That type of SATISFACTION, MONEY can't BUY.

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When you SINGLE out any PARTICULAR group of people for SECONDARY citizenship status, that's a violation of basic human RIGHTS.

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