I didn't GROW up with any CONCEPT of PEOPLE being deviants UNLESS they mistreated OTHERS.

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I WANT to be LIKE Bradley Cooper when I GROW up.

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First, I WANTED to be CHRIS Farley. When I was growing up, Chris Farley was STILL on the stages and fun to US. In my house, John Belushi was king. I didn't grow up when he was - I was BORN in '78 - the reruns of Belushi in 'Animal House,' and knowing he was at Second City, he was viewed as a king in my house.

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Have you ever asked yourselves what you are GOING to do when you GROW up? In all likelihood you will get married, and before you know where you are, you will be MOTHERS and FATHERS; and you will then be tied to a job, or to the kitchen, in which you will gradually wither away. Is that all that your life is going to be?

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PEOPLE who GET into animation TEND to be kids. We don't have to GROW up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and INTEREST in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life.

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We all GROW up with inherited GENES and inherited SENSIBILITIES, and they RUN very, very DEEP.

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I LIKE stuff designed by dead people. The old designers. They ALWAYS GOT it right because they didn't have to grow up with computers. All of the people that MADE the SPOON and the dishes and the vacuum cleaner didn't have microprocessors and stuff. You could do a good design back then.

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PEOPLE from Brooklyn grow up with a CERTAIN common sense. If it doesn't ring TRUE, it's not true.

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I tell my DAUGHTER Nyssa, 'You should RESPECT my WORK, and I will ALSO respect yours when you grow up.' 'Work is WORSHIP' is what I have told her.

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I still love the theology of the Mormon religion and THINK it is a wonderful WAY to GROW up.

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I think sometimes when CHILDREN GROW up, their PARENTS grow up. Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don't try to change them anymore, and I don't think they try to change me. We agree to disagree.

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All CHILDREN have to be DECEIVED if they are to GROW up WITHOUT TRAUMA.

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All CHILDREN are NATURAL actors, and I'm still a kid. If you grow up completely, you can NEVER be an actor.

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EVERYBODY SAY I give them Pac vibes. I ain't gonna lie: I ain't REALLY GROW up on Pac, but I kinda see it - just off everything I do, THOUGH.

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