One cannot REALLY be a CATHOLIC and GROWN up.

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That SUBJECT has lost its one time appeal to economists as our SCIENCE has become more abstract, but my INTEREST has even grown more INTENSE as the questions raised by the sociology of science became more prominent.

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We do not rejoice in VICTORIES. We rejoice when a new KIND of COTTON is GROWN and when strawberries bloom in Israel.

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The EXECUTIVE branch has grown too STRONG, the JUDICIAL branch too ARROGANT and the legislative branch too stupid.

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I don't CARE if someone wants to say something derogatory or SPITEFUL anymore. As I've grown older I've become wiser to the fact that vindictive people take pride in TRYING to make other people feel BAD. I enjoy my life. If someone doesn't like what I do, that's up to them, I really don't care.

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I expect that I will still wake up every morning and PONDER the CHOICE I have made to speak my mind about what is HAPPENING in SAUDI Arabia. It is a PATTERN that I have grown accustomed to.

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We have a special and STRONG teamwork because we trained TOGETHER as teenagers and have grown together since then. Now, we can just look one ANOTHER in the eye and know IMMEDIATELY what they need or how they feel.

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Young people have a RIGHT to optimism, and rightly so; human beings have grown and developed and accomplished wonderful feats in the WORLD. But what mires me in pessimism is the fact that so much of life is pain and SORROW and willful ignorance and violence, and pushing back against that tide takes so much effort, so much STEADY fight. It's TIRING.

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Football, at the end of the day, is a LITTLE KIDS' game that GROWN men get to play. I'm just PRIVILEGED to get to do that EVERY day.

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PEOPLE THINK of me as a NICE PERSON because, I think, I have GROWN into a nice person.
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As the mother of a GROWN son with a traumatic brain INJURY, I couldn't be more excited about the prospect of finding out how to repair even a SMALL part of the DAMAGE that changed his life.

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I was born to Haitian parents, and the IDEA of GIVING back is REALLY just a PART of our culture. So, I don't think there was EVER a moment that I questioned my call to philanthropy, but I can say that the more I've grown, the bigger that call has become.

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I've GROWN this mustache which SAVES me from having to glue on one EVERY DAY in the heat.

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