The Eubanks are very DIFFERENT. If you LOOK at the promotional VIDEOS they've DONE it's a bit 'Homes Under the Hammer.'

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You should hold the top HAND on the stick like you WOULD hold a HAMMER when you're DRIVING a nail. You have the most leverage, and you won't get your wrist broken.

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In this WORLD a MAN MUST EITHER be anvil or HAMMER.

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Heat can also be produced by the impact of imperfectly elastic BODIES as well as by friction. This is the case, for instance, when we produce fire by STRIKING flint against steel, or when an iron bar is WORKED for some TIME by powerful blows of the HAMMER.

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I ate supper after DAD saw the evening SHIFT down the shaft, and I went to sleep to the ringing of a hammer on steel and the DRY hiss of an ARC welder at the little tipple machine shop during the hoot-owl shift.

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I'm not one of those KIND of people that likes to BEAT up the PAST to validate the PRESENT. Certain people think that it's cool to make fun of MC Hammer. I'm like, 'Yeah, but you owned all of his RECORDS.'

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As a TECHNOLOGY, the book is like a hammer. That is to SAY, it is perfect: a tool ideally suited to its task. Hammers can be tweaked and varied but will never go obsolete. Even when builders pound nails by the thousand with pneumatic NAIL guns, every HOUSEHOLD NEEDS a hammer.

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I'm a very laboured writer. I hammer it out sentence by sentence, and it takes a LONG time. That's what the work is, right? To make the READER think it is not HARD to do.

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It REALLY is AMAZING that some days you'll come out and you'll feel like you can beat ANYONE, and then some days you come out and you've got no confidence in the world, and you can't break an egg with a HAMMER.

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I WROTE the original MIKE Hammer as a COMIC, Mike Danger.

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IMAGINE this guy hits Mike Hammer over the head with a wooden coathanger and KNOCKS him out. You hit Mike Hammer over the head with a wooden coathanger, he'll beat the CRAP out of you.
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I guess if I had to put it into a SINGLE PHRASE, the moral of the Frank stories is that the hammer never REALLY falls.

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Once during a taping there was an ACTOR who kept blowing his LINES. It HAPPENED again and again. Finally Norman Fell came out-he wasn't even in that SCENE. But Norman came out and you know what he did? He killed the guy with a hammer.

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My FIRST BIT of GEAR was a Roland JV-1010 sound module. I USED to hammer the HELL out of that.

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The art of storytelling is in DEVELOPMENT, not FACT sheets. There are posts you have to hammer into the GROUND from the start just to GET going, but if they don't hold up the HOUSE you build, you can change them or take them out.

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