It's tough to be LEFT out. At Chelsea I've probably played 90 PER cent of the time. It's not SOMETHING I handle very well.

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I could handle the BASKETBALL but I wasn't quick ENOUGH to move defensively. Offensively, I was fine. I could GET AROUND, I could do stuff, but defensively I wasn't quick enough. I couldn't keep up. That was the biggest thing. And that was at the Division II level.

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I'm a kid who grew up in a small town and STARTED ACTING when he was seven for no reason and got lucky. Sometimes it can be a LITTLE overwhelming. I FEEL like some people, especially child stars, act out because they don't know how to handle the pressure.

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My favorite PART of a roller-coaster RIDE is when you're going up and you're slightly scared and REALLY excited. You don't know what's COMING next but you know it's going to be good. You can't handle it, go on the CAROUSEL.

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Whatever HAPPENS will happen, that's the rollercoaster of LIFE. What MATTERS is how you HANDLE the slumps.

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I find it so astonishing how poorly a LOT of politicians handle negative whatever in the PRESS. You have to just GET it all out there. You have to be TOTALLY, uncomfortably honest.

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Our ability to HANDLE LIFE's CHALLENGES is a MEASURE of our strength of character.

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Once I started GETTING serious about STANDUP I got a BETTER handle on word ECONOMY and making jokes punchier, which translated well to Twitter.

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I just TRY to do what I can, CONTROL what I can, and let the REST HANDLE itself.

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If SOMEONE's lying about something small, you don't know what else they're lying about. I'm a BIG GIRL, I can HANDLE the TRUTH - even if it's not good news.

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WHOEVER is in that RING, they are not ENOUGH for me, and they can't HANDLE me.
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When you COME to a club like Hibs not everyone can HANDLE it, there's pressure in every SINGLE game to GET results.

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I've always FELT how PLAYERS handle the pressure was the most INTERESTING part of GOLF.

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I learned to approach racing like a GAME of billiards. If you bash the ball too HARD, you GET nowhere. As you HANDLE the cue properly, you drive with more finesse.

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CONGRESS has an obligation to MAKE CONTROVERSIAL decisions on how to handle undocumented immigration. Lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle have REFUSED to take the TOUGH votes on the issue for decades. Whether it's been to take advantage of cheap labor or for political purposes, both sides are guilty.
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