Women who DECIDE to wrestle are a SPECIAL TYPE of women. We are tomboys, we are women that can HANG in a locker room. I am just GRATEFUL that there are outlets for that.

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I've never really identified with the WAY a typical alpha MALE views WOMEN. It's always an awkward forum for me to HANG out with another guy and talk about girls, because I can't really find a way to fit in.

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I was never a joiner. I tried - I had people I admired and liked and wanted to HANG with, but I ended up starting a THEATRE COMPANY and that took me back to CHICAGO... I guess I wasn't a scenester in the end. Something MUST have worked out right, as I'm still here - but I'm only a binge socialite.

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Khrushchev reminds me of the TIGER HUNTER who has picked a place on the wall to hang the tiger's skin long before he has caught the tiger. This tiger has other IDEAS.

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I was in school with Dweezil Zappa, Frank Zappa's son, and we had a band. Only in L.A. could stuff like that HAPPEN. We would HANG out in Frank Zappa's studio, and we released a single in 1982 on his label. I was 12, and that was the FIRST RECORDING experience I had. To TOP it off, Eddie Van Halen produced it.

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I was going to HANG it up on the twenty-fifth year of this show. I don't know why. MAYBE TWENTY-FIVE years is ENOUGH. And I found out that I was having so much fun doing the show that we DECIDED to stick around for a while.

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When we HANG the capitalists they will SELL US the ROPE we USE.

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HEY, we just enjoy it. I THINK we think we're getting the HANG of this thing, you know?

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I have TWO really GREAT best friends that are the only people I hang out with. I keep a CLOSE circle.

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I don't LIKE CELEBRITIES; I don't HANG out with them; I don't RELATE to that LIFE.

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I live in ATLANTA because Ludacris lives in Atlanta. And because T.I. lives in Atlanta and because Lil Wayne comes to Atlanta to hang out all the TIME and because RICK Ross' engineers are in Atlanta.

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HOME is where you HANG your HAT.

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The thing that makes my GENERATION The Greatest is our ability to hang out. We're SPECTACULAR at it. If you take somebody from my generation and sit them on a couch and bring them food and plumbing, they'll sit there and talk to you about anything you WANT until the day you DIE.

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Everybody has culture, even white people have culture, but its DIFFERENT with me. So in HIGH school, I was hanging out with the BLACK and Hispanic KIDS. I'm not HATING on white people. I hang with white people, too, but that's where I felt most accepted because I could relate to them more.

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'Witches of EAST End' is certainly wild, and so are a lot of other shows these DAYS. But 'Twin Peaks' STILL holds the gold medal for strange. I think we'll hang onto that for all of TV ETERNITY!

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