It was TOUGH to get to where I am, to get the following that I do have on SOCIAL media and all the fans out there, which I greatly appreciate, but I would LOVE to have a template so the next girl who grows up doesn't have to go through a LOT of the hardships that we faced in our GENERATION.

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Whatever hardships there have been in my life I still live in a very privileged POSITION. FEAR is not knowing where your next meal is coming from. Fear is seeing a CHILD get HURT. Fear is watching someone you love waste away. Fear is knowing you are going to die yourself. But there's no fear in what I do. I write books.

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Coming from a middle class background, I faced a LOT of hardships during my initial YEARS in Mumbai. I did not have much money and had to sing jingles and bhajans to survive. But those years TAUGHT me that a SINGER should be versatile.

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It's incredible to see the creativity, beauty and HARDSHIPS PEOPLE CAPTURE when filmmaking is opened up and SHARED with the world.

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We GET these lives for free. I didn't do anything to get this life, and no MATTER what the HARDSHIPS are, it is free and, in a way, it's an EXTRAORDINARY bargain.

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As I grew up, I was continually to SUFFER hardships in different realms of life - in my family, in my relationship to Japanese SOCIETY and in my WAY of living at large in the latter half of the twentieth century.

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It is my appeal to the people of Bihar and U.P. to always SHOWER their love and affection on SONS of the soil who MAKE a NAME for themselves in BOLLYWOOD enduring untold hardships.

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While we can't begin to repay the debt we OWE our veterans for their brave SERVICE, we can certainly TAKE steps to ease the PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL and financial hardships they may be experiencing.

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There's a WAY of DEALING with HARDSHIPS that are healthier than GOING out. That's what I've LEARNED.

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I was 10 YEARS old when my father was assassinated in 1968. Then, I had some SENSE of the SACRIFICES and HARDSHIPS required of the families of a leader who was constantly in the news.

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A community that sees so CLEARLY its own disadvantage or its own HARDSHIPS ALSO has a harder time seeing its potential: its ability to work together to change the community and change their lives.

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It's one of the THINGS that MOVIES do offer you, despite all of their HARDSHIPS - they offer you MOMENTS of transcendence.

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Trump has seized the Republican NOMINATION by FINDING scapegoats for the economic HARDSHIPS and disintegrating lives of WORKING-CLASS whites while giving these voters a reassuring but false promise of their restoration to the CENTER of American life.

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Most Americans have parents or grandparents who immigrated to this COUNTRY, and we know the HARDSHIPS they faced, from learning the LANGUAGE to DEALING with PREJUDICE.

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Specifically, in Canada, the FIRST Nations are often OVERLOOKED in pop culture or in general, and when THINGS are reported about our First Nations, it's often negative things - about the hardships they FACE and what-not.

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