I quit DRINKING, so I can think CLEAR. When you have chop TROUBLE, drinking doesn't help the healing PROCESS.

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The birth of the baby Jesus STANDS as the most SIGNIFICANT event in all HISTORY, because it has meant the pouring into a sick world the healing MEDICINE of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years.

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This is the front edge of the spiritual, psychological movement and is where the TOOLS of PSYCHOLOGY have finally come together to create a mass HEALING. I think spiritual psychology is the NEXT WAVE.

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Sometimes a miracle is a change in material CONDITIONS, such as PHYSICAL HEALING. At other TIMES, it is a psychological or emotional change.

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We can SEE loss as something MISSING, but that missing SPACE can be filled with something else, and that creates HEALING.

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TIME is not a GREAT healer. It is an indifferent and perfunctory one. Sometimes it does not heal at all. And sometimes when it seems to, no healing has been NECESSARY.
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I'm focusing on HEALING LIVES and TEACHING people that they can heal - GIVING them tools to heal.

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I COULD not finish the rest of the tours the band had planned. I was replaced by Matt Cameron. The next years of my LIFE were about recovery, HEALING, and right LIVING. I never LOST the need to create.

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I've ALWAYS SEEN ARCHITECTURE as a HEALING ART, not just as a beautification art.

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Not MUCH has been written about the Nereids of MODERN GREECE. Wherever there is a WARM, healing STREAM they believe that it flows from the breasts of the Nereids.

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The civil UNREST of recent days must COME to an END, and the healing process must BEGIN for the future of the community. We will provide assistance both in ENDING the violence and enabling the healing process in Benton Harbor.

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'The Panorama' is also the LAST place anywhere in New YORK where the World Trade Center still STANDS, whole, as it STOOD in the early morning of September 11. I can also see the corner where I saw the first TOWER fall and howled out loud. Seeing the buildings again here is uplifting, healing.

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I TRY to WEIGH out the dark and the light. They were both very real aspects of my DAD. To me, the good and the HEALING and the light outweigh the dark so much, and that's why I focus on the good.

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I kind of have this sense of mission now when we talk about success: I'd REALLY like WHOLE FOODS to contribute to the healing of America, and the success of that may be MEASURED in DECADES rather than in months, but I think we're on the way to doing it.

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There's DEFINITELY HEALING properties to being in proximity to the OCEAN and that breeze. There's SOMETHING about that Caribbean CLIMATE and humidity.

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