One of the factors a COUNTRY's economy DEPENDS on is human capital. If you don't provide women with adequate access to HEALTHCARE, EDUCATION and employment, you lose at least half of your potential. So, gender equality and women's empowerment BRING huge economic benefits.

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The presidential candidates are offering prescriptions for EVERYTHING from Iraq to HEALTHCARE, but listen closely. Their fixes are situational and incremental. Meanwhile, the underlying structural problems in American politics and government are systemic and prevent US from solving our most intractable challenges.

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We must ensure that EVERY worker has healthcare and is able to save for their retirement. We must ensure that our workers have SAFE and HEALTH working conditions.

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There is a lot of opportunity sitting in GLOBAL HEALTHCARE business. I THINK there is a STRONG opportunity to build upon for further growth.

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I WANT to move people to THINK and ponder the QUESTION of their own healthcare. And it doesn't NEED to be political THINKING.

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I am not in FAVOR of implementing a Medicare-for-All, SINGLE payer HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.

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HEALTHCARE is GROWING now at about 10 per cent per annum in the U.S. top line, versus 3 per cent for the ECONOMY. As someone with a sharp pencil and an eye for this kind of thing, this can't last.

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During my travels in Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Europe and all over the United States, I have seen and heard the voices of people who want CHANGE. They want the stabilization of the ECONOMY, education and healthcare for all, renewable ENERGY and an environmental vision with an eye on GENERATIONS to come.

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It TURNS out Cuba has this INCREDIBLE HEALTHCARE system for a very POOR COUNTRY.

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I GREW up at a time in Hawaii where there were trans women around, so there were visible role MODELS for me. At the same time, as a low-income trans girl of color, there were so many things that I didn't have ACCESS to. I didn't have access to a great education. I didn't have access to affordable HEALTHCARE.

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When President Trump promised we WOULD get BETTER, cheaper health care that would fix the problems of the Affordable Care Act, I hoped it was true. UNFORTUNATELY, the AMERICAN Healthcare Act promises giant cuts to the programs that I and every other POOR, sick and disabled person have relied on for our lives.

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I usually STAY out of POLITICS, but PEOPLE have asked me whether the American Healthcare Act (AHCA), if passed by the Senate, will AFFECT me personally. I'm about music, not politics, but the fact is this one has me freaked out for poor and disabled people.

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Our SMALL BUSINESSES, those in healthcare and the sick should be the only PRIORITY of LEGISLATION REGARDING Coronavirus.

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As a dentist and representative, I have seen FIRSTHAND the NEED to make our healthcare SYSTEM both more ACCESSIBLE and affordable.

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Our FOCUS should be on FINDING a BIPARTISAN solution to HEALTHCARE that makes it more affordable and ACCESSIBLE to all Americans.

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