I did feel support right from the start from LeBron. He's always shown me a great deal of respect dating BACK to our BATTLES when I was in Indiana and competing with the Heat in the CONFERENCE finals, and coaching him in the ALL-STAR GAME.

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I heard many TIMES that they WANT the Divas to be girly. They didn't care about the heel girls GETTING any HEAT. We just didn't understand. They did everything in their power, it seemed, to take everything to give US a good match, for the heels to get any heat. It was no kicking one week, or no punching the next. No this, no that.

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I've heard things SAID on football pitches that players clearly don't mean, whether it's RACISM or just an abusive comment in the HEAT of the moment.

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Bobby is the Aaron Rodgers of managers in professional wrestling - Rodgers WORKS MAGIC on the professional football field, but Bobby Heenan did the same thing in a wrestling ring, in a television STUDIO, on a radio program, and he COULD do the same thing in a newspaper layout. He was a great communicator, and he knew how to generate heat with fans.

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For one HEAT, all KNOW, doth DRIVE out another, One PASSION doth expel another STILL.

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Iteration, LIKE friction, is LIKELY to generate HEAT INSTEAD of PROGRESS.

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I love my heated rollers at HOME. HEAT them up and POP them in and PUT the make up on and then it is a BIG beautiful bouncy blow dry.

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Sydney in the 1960s wasn't the exuberant multicultural metropolis it is today. Out in the city's WESTERN reaches, days PASSED in a sun-struck stupor. In the evenings, families gathered on their verandas waiting for the 'southerly buster' - the thunderstorm that would BREAK the heat and leave the air COOL enough to allow sleep.

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Italy is a hot COUNTRY. Wherever you FEEL HEAT, your excitement and PASSION come out. We're hot-blooded, and where there's passion there's love, but ALSO anger, hunger, excitement.

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If I'm TRAINING in the HEAT, I NEED electrolytes.

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As a teen, I HEARD the second Velvet Underground ALBUM, 'White Light/White HEAT,' and it was too much for my limited scope of APPRECIATION. It was intense, but I didn't GET it.

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LIKE broccoli, their closely related cousins, Brussels sprouts benefit from extremely HIGH heat and browning, to the POINT of a near-char, in order to intensify their SWEETNESS and BRING out their unique nutty flavor without turning them overwhelmingly sulfurous.
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Steel is DENSE, which MEANS that, for a GIVEN volume, it can HANG on to more thermal energy than aluminum can. On the other hand, aluminum is highly conductive, which means that it can transfer heat from one place to another very rapidly.

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Tri-ply pans try to split this difference by sandwiching a layer of aluminum in between TWO LAYERS of steel. They HEAT evenly and STORE plenty of energy. Tri-ply pans are also more sturdily constructed than disk-bottom pans, which have aluminum disks attached only to their bottoms.

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I don't start WRITING a SCRIPT until I can see it all in my HEAD, then it's a MATTER of GETTING it down in white heat.

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