You have PROBLEMS, you THINK DRINK HELPS, then you have TWO problems.

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I count on chiropractic sessions to keep my BODY aligned. STANDING for hours can impact my posture, and that can throw the rest of my body out of whack. Acupuncture helps me relax and release stress. I'm also very into massage to HELP release tension in my BACK, neck, and SHOULDERS.

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Sitting down for dinner not only helps you learn, but also TEACHES you how to LISTEN - which I feel is the most important SKILL to have. I remember as a kid going around the table listening to everyone's day. It was hard to have the manners not to interrupt BACK then.

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Stretching before and after EVERY WORKOUT keeps MUSCLES supple and helps elongate the LINES of a ballerina's limbs.

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Then I was playing the PIANO at EIGHT, and that helps you LEARN about WOMEN because most of the PEOPLE I was playing for were women.

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People do Vine so MANY different ways. If you're original, then you'll get FOLLOWERS. There are people who do selfie Vines, people who do special effects, people who do artistic Vines. You have to FIND your niche and people will find it. Of course, it HELPS if you're 16 and if you're a handsome guy who is taking your shirt off.

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And that's one thing that helps me is I learn it blandly, vanilla, then I don't TRY to act it too soon because you start to act it, and you kind of go away from what the NEXT sentence is, what the next PARAGRAPH is. So get it down so it kind of can - it's in there so you can then, as I CALL it, dance on top of it.

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Overwhelm is, most often, a mindset. If you think about all the THINGS you have to do, you'll be face down on the floor. It REALLY helps to BREAK it down into SMALLER pieces.

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I'd love to direct, I'd love to PRODUCE. I'd love to LEARN all about it, and being around it all the TIME certainly HELPS.

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In OCTOBER, a maple tree before your window lights up your room like a GREAT lamp. Even on CLOUDY days, its presence HELPS to dispel the gloom.

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I am always making sketches of how information should look or mapping out a marketing CAMPAIGN. When I present my notes, people start responding to them. Desktop publishing makes EVERYTHING look SLICK. When you present sketches, it HELPS start the DIALOGUE and collaboration.

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I've been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. HEALTH diet really helps. I do MEDITATION EVERY day, and EITHER yoga or sport SEVERAL times a week.

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America's workers deserve a CLEAN VOTE on a $7.25 increase, with no strings attached. Such an increase helps everyone and HURTS no one.

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Fish and chips by NATURE are greasy, so we PUT VINEGAR on it and we like it because it helps our digestive system. The vinegar BREAKS down the fat.

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