'Colonel Roosevelt' is compelling READING, and Morris a BRILLIANT biographer who practices his art at the HIGHEST level.

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Our FORM of DEMOCRACY is bribery, on the HIGHEST SCALE.

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To AFFECT the QUALITY of the DAY, that is the HIGHEST of ARTS.

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With 'Django Unchained,' when you're dealing with slavery, it's LIKE a gymnastics routine with the HIGHEST amount of DIFFICULTY. Quentin Tarantino is not GOING to do a movie that's just going to lay there and be safe. There's going to be TWISTS and flips.

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I never thought about being the HIGHEST paid. I just WANTED to be someone that PEOPLE cared about WATCHING, and I feel I'm a GOOD actor.

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We're OFFERED bigger, larger budget movies to produce a lot, and we don't do them. That's not to say there aren't exceptions: there are a few exceptions, but I try and STICK by the rules that produce what I THINK is the highest quality, most innovative WORK and try and let the rules go that make us feel like we're retreading.

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Frankly, a LOT of candidates have no PROBLEM being sold to the HIGHEST bidder if it MEANS they will win.

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I'm partial to epic poetry, which might be surprising given that I don't write poetry at all. The combination of rollicking STORYTELLING with MUSICAL language seems to me the HIGHEST achievement.

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The highest hallmark of a civilized society is not the rapidity by which it exacts vengeance, but its ABILITY to HOLD victim and victimizer in its compassionate HEART.

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The ability to reflect is ASSOCIATED with critical thinking and reasoning ability. And the CAPACITY to be ALONE is one of the highest levels of development. It's important to KNOW how to self-soothe and be confident of other PEOPLE's love even when they're not there in front of you.

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Boeing is always looking at innovative ways to OFFER customers the highest level of SERVICE and SUPPORT.

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I was so full of joy, the happiest KID. Things changed. I don't want to talk about it. I needed attention. I was pathologically shy. I'd climb the highest tree or TRY to ski off the highest mountain. I'd GET into fights. I WANTED contact. I'd HIT somebody, just for that.

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The very ESSENCE of rationalism is that it assumes that the reason is the HIGHEST faculty in MAN and the lord of all the rest.

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