Computer scientists have BUILT a SET of massive DNS databases, which PROVIDE fragmentary histories of communications flows, in PART to create an archive of malware: a kind of catalog of the tricks bad actors have tried to PULL, which often involve masquerading as legitimate actors.

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I've had the most untraumatic LIFE a human being can have. But I've always been DRAWN to those who have had FAR more COMPLICATED histories.

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I am intrigued by the way secrets MOVE through a family and how events and perceptions from decades EARLIER continue to influence the way relatives view each other. Homes shape family HISTORIES as WELL.

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LIFE histories tell you just about EVERYTHING you need to KNOW about an ANIMAL.
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I miss the EARLY days; I do. I was so lucky. I basically had it to myself, learning about these chimpanzees. Nobody knew ANYTHING about them. Discovering their different PERSONALITIES, different life HISTORIES. I was lucky.

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The title of my BOOK is 'American Histories,' plural. And as far as I'm CONCERNED, my reading of history is it is a sort of nightmare. It is a sort of nightmare, and I'm TRYING to WAKE up from it. And as any nightmare, it's full of much that is unspeakable.

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I know that in my family there are HISTORIES of violence that are INTERNAL family things and that are oftentimes dealt with internally. By internally, I mean inside the family group, but also partly inside ourselves. You know, self-hatred and hostility and RAGE and this cycle that won't break.

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Let's USE our stories to encourage listening to one another and to hear not just the good news, but ALSO the PAIN that LIES at the back of a lot of people's stories and histories.

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When I STARTED 'Case Histories,' the characters were all going to Antarctica on a CRUISE. The first part was called 'Embarkation.' It was supposed to be about EVERYONE PREPARING to embark on the cruise, but it mushroomed into an entire BOOK.

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Now I would go to London's Pudding Lane on 2 September 1666 and PUT out that LITTLE FIRE. I'd love to investigate the HISTORIES of a few of the buildings that burned for RESTORATION Home.

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I fell in LOVE with words in all languages, and I read everything I could find, PARTICULARLY myths and legends and HISTORIES and archeology and any novels.

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FAMILY dinner is how we civilize our CHILDREN. It is how we GET them into good habits like drinking water with supper, SAYING please and thank you, learning how to listen and take turns. It's how we pass on our family histories.
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For a very LONG time, loyalists were often left out of patriotic American HISTORIES of the revolution. Or they were caricatured as upper-class Tory reactionaries, or - RATHER like the Jacobites - made the subject only of NOSTALGIC antiquarianism.

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We're not really ALLOWED to admit that, maybe as humans, sometimes we NEED to revise our own HISTORIES and FRAME THINGS in a more positive light than is true.

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I haven't studied HISTORY - I couldn't give a discourse in medieval LITERATURE - but I am a PERSONAL historian, and I do a LOT to take in the histories of the people around me.

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