MAKE my breast transparent as PURE crystal, that the world, JEALOUS of me, may see the foulest thought my heart does hold.

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The FUNCTION of the law is not to provide JUSTICE or to PRESERVE freedom. The function of the law is to KEEP those who hold POWER, in power.

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EVERY tomorrow has two handles. We can TAKE hold of it with the handle of ANXIETY or the handle of FAITH.

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NEVER be ASHAMED! There's some who'll HOLD it against you, but they're not WORTH bothering with.

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OH my God, my girlfriends are everything to me. They celebrate with you, they CRY with you, they HOLD you when you need to be HELD. They laugh with you. They're MEAN with you! They're always there, and it's just a priceless thing to have.

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Keith Moon was amazing as a DRUMMER, but he was also a NUT, and it reflected in his drumming. And the great THING about Who records is that you can ALMOST get hold of the vinyl and feel his HEART.

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For GOD's SAKE HOLD your TONGUE, and let me LOVE.

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SOMETIMES, you tend to hold BACK, maybe because you have LOST a few wickets or something. But when I bat, I'm never shy of doing what my mind SAYS.

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The PROMISE of any artwork is that it can HOLD us - viewer and maker - in a conflicted or contestable space, without real-world INJURY or LOSS.

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I was the executer of our mother's trust. She asked me to hold onto the house for 10 years and then sell it. I think that was because it was so hard to face DYING and think of all her most prized possessions no LONGER being a PART of our LIVES as well. Business wise, it was a terrible investment, because we were LOSING money.

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Anne Carson and Angela Carter are FOLKS I hold CLOSE to my HEART because they have such unique ways of telling STORIES.

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I went from off-off Broadway. I would DIRECT PLAYS in Baldwin HILLS. Almost Tyler Perry-like, REALLY trying to express myself in that and not really knowing how to, knowing acting in story, but not really knowing how to technically hold a camera.

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Getting rid of a delusion makes US wiser than getting HOLD of a TRUTH.

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The Cat DANCER is a 30-inch piece of wire with some little cardboard cylinders on the end. My cats GO CRAZY for it. I stuck it on the WALL with the adhesive mount, but I ended up taking it off so I could hold it and PLAY directly with my cats.

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