I am afraid we must make the WORLD honest before we can honestly SAY to our CHILDREN that honesty is the BEST POLICY.

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Honestly, I want to LIVE a CALM life without being in the press. I want to be like any other American citizen who GETS a speeding ticket or has an ARGUMENT with his spouse... and doesn't have the whole WORLD know.

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With all my heart, I plead with the Latter-day Saints to LIVE honestly with the Lord in the PAYMENT of tithes and offerings. I plead with youth to establish this habit while you are still young and to resolve to CONTINUE with it all the DAYS of your lives.

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Honestly, as HARD a profession as acting is, I THINK music is even harder. Acting, you're like a leech, because someone else does the hard PART for you. They write it for you, then the director tells you what to do. You really just need to know how to pay ATTENTION, FOLLOW instructions.

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HONESTLY, self-care is not fluffy - it's SOMETHING we should TAKE SERIOUSLY.
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I mean, honestly, we have to be clear that the life for many Afghan WOMEN is not that much DIFFERENT than it was a hundred years ago, 200 years ago. The country has lived with so much violence and conflict that many PEOPLE, MEN and women, just WANT it to be over.

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Everything I did and CONTINUE to do happens for a REASON, and honestly, I don't regret MUCH in my life.

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Long before I fell in love with writing, I fell in love with READING. Sometimes, honestly, I feel like I'm CHEATING on my first love when I SETTLE into my office CHAIR to start WORK on the latest manuscript.

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I honestly believe you can never TELL if a relationship is going to last. In my own marriage, which is going on 14 YEARS, I don't think of it as 'I'm going to be with this PERSON FOREVER.' Instead, I think of more like, 'I'll probably be with this person for the next six weeks. Then I'll re-evaluate.'

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Honestly, it's HARD to learn about COMEDY from COMEDIANS. Comedy is not something that you necessarily learn or can imitate. You're FUNNY or you're not, and you hope what you're doing is funny.

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Honestly, I would think I would go way BACK to Biblical times and be one of the GUYS who saw Jesus' Sermon on the MOUNT. It would be so cool to see what he was REALLY LIKE in person.

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I THINK Spotify is honestly just ANOTHER one of Sean Parker's ways of ripping musicians off.

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Honestly, I don't know enough about what's a good timeslot and what isn't. EITHER you have a timeslot where nobody is REALLY tuning in, which isn't good, or you're in a good HOUR, and then you've got a LOT of COMPETITION.

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'I'm Yours' was WRITTEN effortlessly in about 20 minutes' time, and I HONESTLY thought it was more of like a KIDS' song, and I didn't do ANYTHING with it for YEARS.

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I honestly think if I had been a solo ARTIST, it wouldn't have been as BAD. Because I was being compared to THREE other girls, it MADE people have more of an OPINION. If I had been on my own, there would be no one to compare to.

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