The scent of WINE, oh how much more agreeable, laughing, PRAYING, celestial and DELICIOUS it is than that of OIL!

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I assess the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, TORTURE it ENDURES and KNOWS how to TURN to its advantage.

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I'm not PERFECT; I've NEVER professed to be, and I don't WANT to be. How MUCH FUN is that?

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How MUCH BETTER a THING it is to be envied than to be pitied.

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My family is a middle-class family. When I grew up and LEARNED how much it actually COST for us to play hockey, I could not believe that my PARENTS let us play as long as they did.

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I've been looking AROUND, and I noticed SOMETHING: how much you really NEED to be loved. AMBITION isn't just a DESPERATE quest for positions or money. It's just love - lots of love.

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Not too many people in cocktail parties are aware of Bioprinting and growing ORGANS, or the coming technological SINGULARITY; I've seen very little philosophical speculation about how far we can GO, how much we COULD ACHIEVE.

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LADY Gaga reached out to us SAYING how much she LOVES our music, and we were just like, 'What?! She knows who we are?!' That's how mindblown we were.

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We WANT to thank our FANS for how FAR we've COME and for how much we've RECEIVED.

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It doesn't matter how MUCH MONEY you've got, or how many CONNECTIONS, there's ALWAYS SOMETHING you want that's out of reach.

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My dad and I had been close - he called me Tuyet BANG, Vietnamese for 'avalanche,' because of my NONSTOP energy. I TOOK a lot from him, like being a risk taker, and I know how much he LOVED my mother.

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Time is very precious to me. I don't know how much I have left and I have some things that I would like to say. HOPEFULLY, at the end, I will have said SOMETHING that will be important to other PEOPLE too.

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No matter how civilized we are and how much society has curbed violent BEHAVIOR. Human beings still have the same genes they had 10,000 years ago. Our bodies are DESIGNED to have a certain AMOUNT of physical stress and violence in them. We're designed to run from jaguars and FIGHT to DEFEND our territory.

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It was cool for a couple of WEEKS, but how much BAD GOLF can you play?

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My COUSIN was Ron O'Neal, who was 'Superfly.' Films like 'Shaft' and 'Superfly' were the BIGGEST things out there in the early '70s. It's hard to remember just how BIG they were - how much IMPACT they had on the culture, the music, the FASHIONS, the hair styles.

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