A CONSERVATIVE is a man with two PERFECTLY GOOD legs who, however, has NEVER learned how to walk FORWARD.

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Jesus Christ is our SUPREME commander, but He operates only through His word, which is unquestionably a TRAINING MANUAL. HOWEVER, He has many interpreters, and few people see the Bible as a TRUE training manual.

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However you feel about Dimebag, this is one of the most influential metal guitar PLAYERS of the '90s. I was just talking to someone that I am hiring to BRING on the tour who said that, when he was at the FUNERAL, that Eddie Van Halen came and put his striped guitar in the coffin. That's a pretty big deal.

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TYRANNY Absolves all FAITH; and who invades our RIGHTS, HOWEVER his own commence, can NEVER be But an usurper.
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Pursue some path, however NARROW and CROOKED, in which you can walk with LOVE and reverence.

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To God EVERYTHING is BEAUTIFUL, good, and just; humans, however, think some THINGS are UNJUST and OTHERS just.

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HOWEVER my parents - both of whom CAME from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, TOOK the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing quirk that would never pay a MORTGAGE or secure a pension.
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No aquarium, no tank in a MARINE LAND, HOWEVER spacious it MAY be, can begin to DUPLICATE the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal.

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I think water transport will see a revival. HOWEVER, we're not going to replay the 20th century. The industrial CITY of that era will not be revived. Our cities are going to CONTRACT. MANY of them will contract as a whole but densify at their core.

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The LION is, HOWEVER, RARELY HEARD - much more seldom SEEN.

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With comics, you don't have to worry so much about budgetary constraints. In film and television, HOWEVER fanciful you want to be, someone can come up to you and go, 'Okay, this is going to COST X amount of DOLLARS, and we only have so many days to film this.' With graphic novels, you can have that ALIEN invasion you've always wanted to see.

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When I was a young WOMAN, my LOOKS ATTRACTED a lot of compliments. My mother, HOWEVER, could not share ATTENTION with any other human being.

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If you are CONFIDENT in yourself and HOWEVER you want yourself to be PRESENTED, and you're doing well and doing it because you want to do it and not because SOMEONE is pressuring you, then more power to you.

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A traitor is a betrayer - one who practices INJURY, while professing FRIENDSHIP. Benedict Arnold was a traitor, solely because, while professing friendship for the AMERICAN cause, he attempted to injure it. An OPEN enemy, HOWEVER criminal in other respects, is no traitor.

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CHANGE is a great and horrible thing, and PEOPLE love it or HATE it at the same time. WITHOUT change, HOWEVER, you just don't move.
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