I'm not just GOING to HUG EVERY PERSON that asks to hug me.

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People would SAY, 'Can I HUG you?' And I would say, 'Yes, you can hug me! We're fellow NEW YORKERS!'

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Fans COME up to me to talk, SHAKE hands, hug and CLICK photos; I usually oblige because I can SEE how MUCH they admire me.

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PEOPLE all WANT to HUG me. They want to TOUCH The GC!

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When the Mets were on their run in the 1980s, Gary Carter was OFTEN SEEN hugging somebody. It was EASY to joke about that. The best HUG of all was with Jesse Orosco at the end of the 1986 World Series.

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MANY managers PREFER to play with wingers that cut INSIDE a LOT and don't hug the touchline.

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In an industry where you don't ALWAYS get to SEE your FAMILY as much as you would LIKE, GETTING to hug your mom after the game is nice.

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I've seen my name on marquees and bowed to STANDING ovations. I've also been called a fraud, a MENTAL case, a heretic. PEOPLE all over the country wait in LINE to hug me or CURSE me.

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The greatest thing I could say about my son, and this is what you always worry about with your kids, that they KINDA outgrow their Mom and Dad. But for him, when I SEE him, when he CALLS me Dad, and he can still hug me, he's still like my little BOY. Even around his friends, he still calls me Dad.

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The WORD philosophy SOUNDS high-minded, but it SIMPLY means the love of WISDOM. If you love something, you don't just read about it; you hug it, you mess with it, you PLAY with it, you argue with it.

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I'm a very PHYSICAL person. I hug people more so than SHAKE HANDS.

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It's SOMETHING that is very COMFORTING. Just the process of them moving throughout their stages of early CHILDHOOD. Learning to WALK, learning to talk. Reaching out for you for the first hug, telling you they LOVE you.

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If I'm playing for NORTH Carolina, and Eric Montross goes up and dunks one, I might jump up and HUG him like I was his girlfriend. It's SUPPOSED to be that way, in my opinion. Players should be ABLE to express themselves and GROW.

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I give God all the glory. And TRY to move on. Come HOME and hug my WIFE and my children. And thank God for every day that I have with my FAMILY.

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I don't ever wanna come across too intimidating, so as LONG as I look LIKE you can come up and GIVE me a hug, that's GOOD.

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