I am a HUGE fan of the Premier League, but do you think it will MAINTAIN its attractiveness if the Champions League is only an affair between ENGLISH clubs and one or TWO others?

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Well, I was a big fan of the book and therein a huge fan of the GIRL PRECIOUS. And so I FELT LIKE I KNEW this girl. I felt like I'd grown up alongside her. I felt like she was in my family. She was my friend and she was like people I didn't want to be friends with.

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I was a LITTLE nervous COMING in mostly because my FIRST SCENE was with Martin Sheen, who I'm a huge fan of.

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I wasn't ever a HUGE fan of COMICS. Just not one of those KIDS, you know?

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I was a huge fan of the BRUCE Timm animated series and, of course, the LIVE action 'Lois & Clark' series. I WATCHED that when I was in college.

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I'm a huge FAN of Tolkien. I read those books when I was in JUNIOR high school and high school, and they had a profound EFFECT on me. I'd read other fantasy before, but none of them that I LOVED LIKE Tolkien.

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When I was eight years old, my mum and dad TOOK me skiing in Valle d'Aosta in northern Italy. I'm not usually a huge fan of snow or COLD PLACES, but I loved the fact that we were together as a family.

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I'm a huge fan of Netflix and its storytelling and couldn't be more EXCITED to make my debut with such a strong CREATIVE PARTNER.

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I'm a HUGE FAN of MINE. I go to just about every show I do.

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I began HEARING RUMORS of apossible RECORDING SESSION with Neil Young. I was a huge FAN of Neil's.

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I was a huge FAN of 'Blade RUNNER.' That was a pretty FORMATIVE film for me growing up. It really got my SCI-FI juices flowing, as it were.

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I'm a HUGE fan of voice memos. I PUT down many ideas there and sometimes I even use some of those audio files in my ACTUAL recordings. You get this REALLY raw ENERGY from voice memos that you can't get when you sit down in a studio with a microphone. There's this sense of immediacy, which I'm really drawn to.

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God bless ABC. They are my knights in SHINING ARMOR. I love their CONTENT. Just as a person, I'm a huge fan of 'Scandal,' I still love 'Grey's ANATOMY,' and 'Resurrection' looks amazing.

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I've NEVER been a HUGE FAN of DRUM solos.

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