Through the YOUNG Men's Christian Association and principally in Australia and North AMERICA, as well as in South America, I CAME into contact with families of these COUNTRIES.

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I CAME in after the Smokey Robinsons, TEMPTATIONS, Clovers, and Clyde McPhatter and the Drifters. I came ALONG at that LEVEL, when there was harmonizing.

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And um, when I came back to ENGLAND I put a very COMPLEX soundtrack on it, featuring everyone from Jimi Hendrix, RIGHT through to NEIL Diamond, you know, everybody that was kind of popular who was kind of popular at that TIME.

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Where I CAME from, there's not a REASON to have a lot of HOPE. So much trouble, everywhere. But every now and then, SOMEONE makes it out and makes it big, and that person has an impact on a lot of other people.

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I came to TOWN THINKING that EVERYBODY had the same IDEA of what country music was that I did.

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One Saturday in 1984, I walked into my first AA meeting. I went regularly for six years and only STOPPED when I CAME to REALIZE my underlying PROBLEM was not GENUINE alcoholism, but depression.

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'General HOSPITAL' was so massive in the 80s and that's when people my AGE or even younger WATCHED that show. A generation GREW up on that show, Luke and Laura, I came in on the cusp of that so there's still a lot of 'Frisco.'

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When I came out here, my manager thought that casting DIRECTORS MIGHT think I'm a girl, and when I did THREAT Matrix, they thought Jamie was a little LIGHT.

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When I came into Metallica, I had to do justice to CLIFF's WORK, but I ALSO had to PUT my own signature on it. No one could be Cliff Burton; Cliff Burton was the Jimi Hendrix of bass.

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I came to America with a DREAM and I made it. The dream BECAME reality. America is BUILT for success.

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I CAME from the Bronx and a certain BACKGROUND. I worked REALLY hard. I kept my FOCUS on the RIGHT things.

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I remember being so homesick and realizing that where I came from was not SOMETHING that existed in the CULTURAL imagination outside the city. People used to think MIAMI was just partying in SOUTH BEACH all the time.

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I CAME from a poor FAMILY. My FATHER was from Glasgow, Scotland; my mother's brothers were brakemen on the railroad. We didn't have ANYTHING but mush for breakfast.

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Just recently I WORKED with VAN Morrison and I came to REALIZE that MONEY can't make a decent human being out of you.

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My father was a physicist and also an activist. My FIRST PUBLIC PROTEST was with my dad at STANFORD. I came by all that honestly.

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