If I KNEW where I was GOING, I wouldn't do it. When I can PREDICT or PLAN it, I don't do it.

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I eat HEALTHY when I can; I eat a burger when I want, and I WORK out. You have to live with the routine that keeps your BODY the healthiest, and that's what I do - I don't change it for a swimsuit SHOOT. You have to figure out what works with your body the BEST.

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If my MIND can CONCEIVE it, and my HEART can believe it, I KNOW I can ACHIEVE it.

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I can observe the GAME theory is applied very MUCH in economics. Generally, it would be wise to get into the mathematics as much as seems reasonable because the ECONOMISTS who use more mathematics are SOMEHOW more respected than those who use less. That's the TREND.

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The reason I CREATED a YOUTUBE CHANNEL was because I can connect on a more PERSONAL level and be more detailed, WITHIN 10 minutes, of my life and what I do on a daily basis.

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I LIKE listening to MUSIC and DRIVING. How do you SAY... It's the only way I can 'chillax.'

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I don't TRY to be SEXY, but I do WANT to LOOK as GOOD as I can.

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Basketball is my passion, I love it. But my family and FRIENDS mean everything to me. That's what's important. I NEED my PHONE so I can keep in contact with them at all TIMES.

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I do not BELIEVE in PEOPLE owning guns. Guns should be owned only by the police and military. I am GOING to do EVERYTHING I can to disarm this STATE.

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I can ADMIT and SAY that I have FEELINGS.

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