I remember one TIME watching a BIRD snatch a dragonfly out of midair and THINKING, 'Gee, life can COME to an end - crunch! - just like that.'

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I remember CHICAGO well. That's where I started in RADIO in 1930 and it snowed a LOT that YEAR, too.

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I remember lying on the FLOOR of the living room with headphones on when I was four or FIVE years OLD, listening to the SATURDAY NIGHT Fever soundtrack.

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I remember MEETING the PRINCESSES at DISNEY WORLD and getting their autographs.

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I remember I was a LITTLE girl when Elizabeth Taylor stole Eddie FISHER from America's Sweetheart, Debbie Reynolds, and the reaction back then was enormous! And Angelina Jolie was in trouble, too, for taking a husband AWAY from ANOTHER America's Sweetheart. Don't take HUSBANDS from America's Sweethearts.

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The first piece I ever collected was a ROY Lichtenstein: a SCULPTURE called 'Surrealist Head II'. There was a waiting LIST. I remember Steve Martin wanted one, and I wanted one. I got the 'Surrealist Head', and I was THRILLED.

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TELL me and I FORGET. SHOW me and I REMEMBER. Involve me and I UNDERSTAND.
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The HoLee model was the first term structure model. I remember reading their paper soon after it was PUBLISHED and as it was FAIRLY different from many of the other PAPERS that I had read, I had to read it quite a few TIMES. I realized that it was a really important paper.

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Bill Clinton fascinates me because, at the time, it seemed LIKE his shenanigans and the people after him were the biggest POLITICAL stories you could ever IMAGINE. I remember when the 'Starr Report' was published in the NEWSPAPER, all of us were reading it in the high-school cafeteria, and a dean started taking the NEWSPAPERS away from us.

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I was a million percent in love with Edward Scissorhands. I REMEMBER LOOKING in the mirror on the last day of shooting... and thinking how sad I was to be SAYING GOODBYE to Edward.

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I remember HEARING Will Smith, BACK when he was just a rapper, saying, 'When all the other rap STARS are in bed, I'm practicing my RAPPING.' I try to be like that. There is always SOMETHING to improve.

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I REMEMBER even GETTING kicked out of a BAR once because I was too LOUD and obnoxious.

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I REMEMBER trying so hard to GET into Bon Iver. I'd lie in BED LISTENING with my eyes screwed up, like, 'This is just DEPRESSING me.'

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The actual, original 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,' I have vague MEMORIES of because I was pretty small, but I loved, loved, loved it. I have only those weird, visceral little-kid memories: I remember the extreme FLAT, two dimensional green that was their SKIN or the weird pizza with no sauce - it was just like YELLOW, drippy cheese.

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I remember disassembling and PUTTING an old analog alarm clock together. It was a lot of FUN figuring out why it still WORKED with that one spring MISSING.

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