I regard it in fact as the great ADVANTAGE of the mathematical TECHNIQUE that it allows us to describe, by means of algebraic EQUATIONS, the general character of a PATTERN even where we are IGNORANT of the numerical values which will determine its particular manifestation.

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The ideas which now pass for brilliant innovations and advances are in FACT MERE revivals of ANCIENT errors, and a further proof of the dictum that those who are IGNORANT of the past are condemned to repeat it.

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I TRY to be FUNNY and not IGNORANT.

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People are prone to taking MENTAL SHORTCUTS. They may know that they shouldn't give out certain information, but the FEAR of not being nice, the fear of appearing ignorant, the fear of a perceived AUTHORITY figure - all these are triggers, which can be used by a social engineer to convince a person to override established SECURITY procedures.

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I FEEL like I've lost so MANY amazing traits because I've listened to STUPID people, ignorant people who are bullies.

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I LIKE OBSERVING INTELLIGENT PEOPLE who have expertise in areas I'm mostly ignorant about.

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I PREFER tongue-tied KNOWLEDGE to IGNORANT loquacity.

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ROBERT Louis Stevenson... I'm focusing on the late SHORT STORIES that I was ignorant of. I always THOUGHT he was a boys' author, but he's not at all.
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In the South, there is more overt racism. It's more willfully ignorant and brazen. But it's not as if by MOVING I'm GOING to be ABLE to ESCAPE institutionalized racism. It's not as though my life won't be twisted and impacted by racism anymore. It will.

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I was a very NAIVE young MAN, and I may still be ignorant about a LOT of things.

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I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the OPENING of a grand SCENE and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the SLAVISH PART of mankind all over the earth.

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We MUST MAKE up our minds to be ignorant of MUCH, if we would know anything.

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MANY filmmakers PORTRAY teenagers as IMMORAL and ignorant, with pursuits that are pretty base... But I haven't found that to be the case. I listen to kids. I respect them... Some of them are as bright as any of the adults I've MET.
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The pain comes from knowing that we have never been safe, and THEREFORE will never be safe again. It comes from knowing we can never be so ignorant again. It comes from knowing we can never be children again. Losing innocence. REMEMBERING heaven. That was the essence of HELL.

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For all of you out there who don't KNOW what 'ignoramus' is, it's an IGNORANT LAWYER.

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