I ALWAYS request a king-size bed, and if I can't, I TRY to work that out right after I land. I unpack immediately so the clothes don't GET wrinkled. I go the gym. I adjust the temperature; I like the ROOM kind of warm. And then turn on CNBC.

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I get a lot of comments from PEOPLE that I'm just an ordinary bloke. They IMMEDIATELY feel they have a closer RELATIONSHIP with you; they RELATE to you.

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If INFORMATION ENDS up in the wrong hands, the LIVES of people very often are IMMEDIATELY at risk.

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I remember IMMEDIATELY - immediately - feeling LIKE, 'I don't want to play 'We Are YOUNG' when I'm 35. I don't want to be DEFINED by this.'

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PERSONALITY is immediately apparent, from BIRTH, and I don't THINK it really CHANGES.
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I wasn't very GOOD at it, but I KNEW that I LOVED ACTING IMMEDIATELY.

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The reader who likes my STORIES, I think they would see the violence on the SURFACE, but I think they would also see a deeper violence - the one that's not as showy or as IMMEDIATELY arresting, but KIND of the more unsolvable violence that lurks UNDERNEATH.

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The first WRITER that I think of immediately that I studied with at Michigan is Peter Ho Davies. He was really important to me, TACKLING that first NOVEL. Just WRITING it.

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I will ALWAYS ADMIT IMMEDIATELY to what's obvious, which is that Homo sapiens is INHERENTLY erotic or inherently sensual from birth.

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To those who do not love God, all THINGS must work together IMMEDIATELY for PAIN and torment, until, by means of the tribulation, they are LED to salvation at last.

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I was a grown-up when 'celebrity' happened. So I knew EXACTLY what it was like to be in LINE at a RESTAURANT and watch SOMEONE famous walk in and get a table immediately. I knew I didn't like that; I don't want to make somebody else feel the way I felt.

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If SOMEONE tells you over and over that everything's GREAT, you IMMEDIATELY think, 'OK, what's the REST of the story?'

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Something I've LEARNED is that when PEOPLE TELL me I can't do something, I IMMEDIATELY wonder why and then THINK it through. It only makes me more motivated to prove them wrong.

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I would definitely be interested in doing a COOKING show or SOMETHING related to cooking, and I think probably most IMMEDIATELY, I would do a COOKBOOK.

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