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I always had the impression England never CAME to competitions with FREEDOM of mind. They are so AFRAID of mistakes.

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I thought my SINGING and songwriting were GOOD, but nothing different. Then you're PRESENTED with this PICTURE image that contradicts the impression you get from listening to the record.

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Ingrid Bergman made an enormous impression on me. I couldn't IMAGINE where that KIND of ACTING talent CAME from.

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My great hope for my speck of time on this PLANET would be that I live and die, and that what I leave BEHIND has made some KIND of impression and has been for the better in terms of my family and friends and, in my CASE, public service.

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I think if you WATCH a LOT of what I do, you're going to ultimately walk away SEEING me. I can't hide - that IMPRESSION is a personal impression people have of me.

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Our MOMENTS of inspiration are not lost THOUGH we have no particular poem to show for them; for those EXPERIENCES have left an indelible IMPRESSION, and we are ever and anon reminded of them.

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I've always THOUGHT that people GOT the IMPRESSION that I was a tough SORT of ruffian type.

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What we learn only through the ears MAKES LESS IMPRESSION upon our minds than what is PRESENTED to the trustworthy eye.

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If you're known as a dramatic ACTOR it helps you a LOT. Even though to me it's SIMPLER, it leaves a deeper impression on the public.

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I don't want PEOPLE to RECEIVE me because I scored 20 POINTS. I want it to be because I made an impression on them that lasts FOREVER.

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Everyone learns how to talk by doing an IMPRESSION of their parents. I'm one of MANY people who has a HIGHLY DEVELOPED ability to do that.

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I think people hire me for the slightly weird ANGLE that I bring. PART of the trick is KEEPING it sort of simple; you have to GIVE the impression of not that much music playing when there's really a lot.

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My Nigerian COLLEAGUES GAVE me a good IMPRESSION of the Premiership and I am GLAD to be here.

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A film ingeniously directed does INDEED give the IMPRESSION of having been laid end to end, but a film ingeniously EDITED gives the impression of having suppressed all DIRECTION.

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