What I've been able to do is PRETTY COOL, but there is a LOT of ROOM for improvement.

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For self-driving cars in particular, there are lots of dimensions of this TECHNOLOGY beyond just IMPACT on LABOUR. There is a massive POTENTIAL improvement in public HEALTH.

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You cannot allow your DESIRE to be a winner to be diminished by ACHIEVING success before and I believe there is ROOM for IMPROVEMENT in every sportsman.

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RESOLUTIONS are popular because EVERYONE FEELS they COULD use a little improvement.

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The negotiation of city SPACE has been made more difficult with the IDEA that redevelopment is an IMPROVEMENT for some vague future - but it's never like that, is it? Once you get there, for economic reasons you have to generate the NEXT project - so you're IMMEDIATELY starting to dig up something else, and so it goes on.

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I think every PART of my body NEEDS IMPROVEMENT.

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I THINK there is ROOM for IMPROVEMENT for all of the MEDIA, and that CERTAINLY, and especially, includes me.

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The separate WATER foundations, park benches, bathrooms and restaurants of the Jim Crow South startled me. These EXPERIENCES motivated my lifelong study of the STATUS of African Americans and the sources of IMPROVEMENT in that status.

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And the biggest improvement I see between 'Up in the Air' and 'Juno' and 'Thank You for Smoking' is that 'Up in the Air' DEALS with the COMPLICATED HUMAN stuff in a way that my other FILMS have not. It's a more articulated film, and because of that, I'm most proud of it.

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I THINK there is ALWAYS ROOM for improvement, and every day is a chance to GET better.

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I grew up with 'Roseanne'; I kind of ADORE her and stuff LIKE' HOME Improvement', really TRADITIONAL American stuff.

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A collection of good books, with a SOUL to it in the SHAPE of a librarian, becomes a vitalized POWER AMONG the impulses by which the world GOES on to improvement.

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There is a LOT of ROOM for improvement for everybody, no matter who you are, so that is all I did, REALLY: PRACTICE.

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Welcome to the world we LIVE in as coaches. You've GOT to FIGURE out what you can do best and better to get these kids a chance to be SUCCESSFUL. I THINK that comes through a lot of things - confidence, improvement, recruiting.

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In 1990, if I wanted a pair of Calvin Klein jeans I had seen in a magazine, I'd HEAD to the mall, sift through piles of inventory to find my size, TRY them on, ask the OPINION of the often inexperienced sales associate, wait in LINE to check out, pay, and head home. The process was linear and ripe for IMPROVEMENT.

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