It SEEMS, in fact, as though the SECOND HALF of a man's LIFE is made up of NOTHING, but the habits he has accumulated during the first half.

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A NEW breeze is blowing, and a world refreshed by freedom seems reborn; for in man's heart, if not in fact, the day of the DICTATOR is over. The totalitarian era is passing, its OLD ideas blown AWAY LIKE leaves from an ancient, lifeless tree.

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Because when the film was FIRST mooted, the Beatles didn't like the idea at all. In fact they wouldn't have any part in it. And when Brian had committed them, it was part of a DEAL he did with United ARTISTS, I THINK.

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I'm just kind of odd. There are DARK forces in the WORLD, and if you PAY ATTENTION to what's going on around you, you end up incorporating it into the storytelling. Maybe it's some aspect of myself that's coming through that people are seeing, that I am in fact a quiet PSYCHO.

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I was OVERWEIGHT when I went to SCHOOL. In FACT, I was overweight when I left, just taller. Fatty Cavill was the nickname. I mean, no one wants to be Fatty Cavill.

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I get a lot of fan MAIL addressed to Bilbo and sometimes Sir Bilbo - it's HARDLY EVER addressed to Ian Holm, in fact. My business MANAGER drafts the replies, and then I POP in to the office and sign them, 'Bilbo!'

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Before acting, I WANTED to become a JOURNALIST. I also toyed with the idea of being a chef - but that's only when people asked me what I wanted to be. In fact, I always used to say I wanted to be an actor, but I didn't ever BELIEVE that I was good enough to be COME one.

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I'm aware that many of my friends will be saddened and shocked, or shock-saddened, over some of the chapters in 'The Catcher in the Rye.' Some of my best friends are CHILDREN. In fact, all my best friends are children. It's almost unbearable for me to REALIZE that my BOOK will be kept on a SHELF, out of their reach.

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In FACT, you couldn't give me anything to MAKE me go back to being a teenager. NEVER. No, I hated it.

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If you live in a DEMOCRACY, it's very TIRING to be always surrounded by GREAT and high abstract generalisations which are, in fact, the most banal and naive CLICHES dug out of second-rate movements of the late 19th century.

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YEAH, I MIGHT remaster it, in FACT I'm sure I would. But all the songs will be the same.

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There is no evidence that DOGS have the kind of COMPLEX emotional lives and value systems that we do. It's one reason why we love them so much, in fact. They are NEITHER "good" nor "bad." They don't hold GRUDGES, act in petty ways, or seek revenge. They read our moods, but not our minds.

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The THING women must do to RISE to power is to redefine their femininity. Once, power was considered a MASCULINE attribute. In FACT, power has no sex.

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I know, being the ODD one out can FEEL brutal. But, rest assured, it's also WONDERFUL - because your desire to do things differently isn't 'uncool.' In fact, it's the exact opposite.

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Every one has her own LOVE LIFE. Every one has a dream to get a perfect life partner. But this is not so easy in real life. In fact, one doesn't love; it HAPPENS.

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