Indeed, President Trump has proven himself the PROFESSIONAL - the adult in the room as Democrats ACT LIKE SMALL children, incapable of STEPPING up to the task at hand and certainly incapable of leading the nation.

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Our POLITICAL system seems to be proving itself almost INCAPABLE of DEALING with what's been put before it. The decisions it is making, or fluffing, are so vital and yet are INEVITABLY so compromised by the endless political calculations of all involved.

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I am told that the majority of Iraqis WANTED Saddam removed from POWER, but they were unwilling and were incapable of doing the job themselves because they feared Saddam and knew the PAIN and TORTURE he was CAPABLE of inflicting upon them.

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No student of CHINESE history can say that the Chinese are incapable of religious experience, even when judged by the STANDARDS of MEDIEVAL EUROPE or PIOUS India.

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One REASON I'm such a wayward prognosticator of rightwing trends is that I'm incapable of blacking out enough neural sectors to see the world through reptilian-brained eyes, a PREREQUISITE for any true channeling of the MEAN resentments and implanted fears that drive hardcore conservatives.

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Ken Livingstone appears INCAPABLE of contrition. That is why he must be thrown out of the Labour party. He is so certain he is RIGHT about EVERYTHING, he won't COME close to CHANGE.

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There are so many intelligent former black PLAYERS, guys like Luther Blissett and Cyrille Regis, who NEVER got a CHANCE to become a top manager or a top coach because of the perception that surrounds people who look like them. They are black - which, for many, means they are good athletes but INCAPABLE of being anything above and beyond that.

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I'm incapable of writing WITHOUT social commentary. I LIKE to THINK that it's integrated and not REALLY heavy handedly didactic.

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I'm incapable of truly relaxing. I remember when I was younger and less wise or experienced, actors that I KNEW WOULD always talk about jobs ENDING and wondering WHETHER they were ever going to work again. Now that's my life.

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I am incapable of directing a film LIKE 'Agneenath.' I can do only what I am GOOD at, so I would have been the worst choice to DIRECT it. It has aggression, ACTION and an inherent violence in it - things I am not capable of directing in my films.

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For if God is a TITLE of the HIGHEST power, He MUST be incorruptible, perfect, incapable of suffering, and subject to no other being; THEREFORE they are not gods whom necessity compels to obey the one greatest God.

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Marxism is like a CLASSICAL BUILDING that FOLLOWED the Renaissance; BEAUTIFUL in its way, but incapable of GROWTH.

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Yeah, if I'm fried MENTALLY, INCAPABLE of directing for a SECOND, Ross is there and will take over. Or at least, together we can somehow manage MAKE it through the day.

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A sane mind should not be guilty of a logical fallacy, yet there are very FINE minds INCAPABLE of FOLLOWING MATHEMATICAL demonstrations.

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Human-resources departments in CORPORATIONS across the country are pervaded by the view that the corporation's white-male employees are incapable of FAIRLY judging females and underrepresented minorities WITHOUT large dollops of diversity TRAINING.

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