Our work on light bulbs wasn't an ARBITRARY mandate. We didn't just pick a standard out of the air, or look for a catchy sounding standard LIKE 25 by 2025 not BASED in science or feasibility. INSTEAD, we worked with both INDUSTRY and environmental groups to come up with a standard that made sense and was doable.

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I see a bright future for the biotechnology industry when it FOLLOWS the PATH of the COMPUTER industry, the path that von Neumann FAILED to foresee, becoming SMALL and domesticated rather than big and centralized.

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Jupiter, Pluto, pick a PLANET: we can go there. I just GOT a bit more WORK to do in the music industry, and we're going to space, baby.

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Before I'd even started doing MUSIC or having opportunities with my own music, I was studying production and business and STUFF anyway. I knew there were so many jobs within the music industry - SONGWRITING or session playing or working at a LABEL - and I was really interested in how it all WORKS.

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I THINK it's very difficult to generalize as to why, in a PARTICULAR league or a particular industry, somebody has or has not come out. We certainly don't want a PLAYER to come out for our sake. It should be what's RIGHT for him and something that he has to be comfortable with.

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The renewable INDUSTRY claims technical INNOVATIONS will improve SOLAR and wind - but in reality NOTHING can change the lower POWER density of sunlight and wind.

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My history in show BUSINESS spans over a quarter of a century, and I have SEEN MANY people in the industry struggle with coming out, only to find MUCH more success after they finally did.

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In this INDUSTRY, there are only two ways up the ladder. Rung by rung or claw your WAY to the top. It's SURE been TOUGH on my NAILS.

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I think it's HARD when you're a woman because the music INDUSTRY is way more masculine than FEMININE, so you have to make your own SPACE and FIGHT for it.

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Beauty is for EVERYONE, and I think that CoverGirl, being such a timeless and ICONIC brand, recognizing that is so important. It truly shows that we are BECOMING a more ACCEPTING industry.

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We have not had a ton of innovation and marketing in the concert industry, MUCH like the RECORD industry. We have been a fairly old-school BUSINESS compared to Coca-Cola and the BIG packaging/marketing companies.

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I'm OFFERING solutions to ADDRESS rising healthcare PRICES by adding transparency to our drug pricing, clearing the backlog on pending drug applications at the FDA, and providing oversight and ACCOUNTABILITY within the healthcare industry.

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Everything needs to work at the same time. But what keeps society vibrant permanently is jobs, industry, BUSINESS, and stuff like that. It pays for everything else. If you just build affordable housing, and those PEOPLE don't have jobs, it'll no longer be affordable soon. So you really have to build AROUND the business COMMUNITY.

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When you grow up in the music industry, TRYING to be Britney Spears because that's what sells records and then you realize, 'All I have to do is be myself? I should have THOUGHT of that a LONG time ago,' it feels good to have SUCCESS come from what's actually inside of you.

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Now listen, the one thing about agriculture is we've lost our MANUFACTURING, we've lost a GREAT deal of JOBS overseas, lots of our industry. The last thing in the world we need to do is LOSE the ability to produce our food.

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