The dieting THING, I think you have to approach as intelligently as you can. FIRST I started as a vegetarian. And for a whole year, I gave it a shot. And it kept my weight down. But honestly, my BODY fat wasn't as low - I GOT a little bit softer. I was getting injured a lot more. I felt a LACK of 'umph.'

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There will ALWAYS be PLAYERS INJURED or suspended.

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We arrived in Argentina with a LOT of injured players, INCLUDING our goalkeeper. ALSO we were unlucky to be drawn in the same group as the two TOURNAMENT favourites ITALY and Argentina.

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PEOPLE ASK me why I keep GETTING injured but I have just had to ACCEPT it is one of those things that happen.
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The BEST MANNER of avenging ourselves is by not resembling him who has INJURED US.

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I know sometimes when you get injured, a LOT of the time you're in the training room. But GETTING out there on the court - if you're on the sideline cheering them on or even at PRACTICE, you've just gotta talk and communicate in that way.

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It's not just: you GET off the PLANE, you're back home, everything's FINE. Maybe the physical danger ends, but soldiers are still DEEPLY at RISK of being injured in a different way.

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I injured myself quite badly when I was SEVENTEEN. I BROKE my ankle, and it didn't heal in such a way that I could keep DANCING at the level I wanted to. It wasn't like, 'Oh my GOD, I'll never play the violin again.' I could, but not at the level I wanted. So, I segued into acting, the other THING that was also meaningful to me.

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I'd SAY most stuntmen are INJURED working with horses. They have a one-celled brain and change their minds right in the middle of a stunt no matter how MANY TIMES they do it right in rehearsal.

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Even when I was young, PLAYING COLLEGE FOOTBALL, and I injured my knee, I bounced right BACK.

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It was treacherous. I THINK SOMEONE was INJURED. But I did LOVE being there, we all did.

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Zizou was very GOOD to me as he was a PROFESSIONAL, and I did everything for him; I RAN, I fought, I PLAYED injured. Practically, I GAVE everything for Zidane.

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My MAIN GOAL is to STAY healthy because when you're injured you realise how LUCKY you are to have your HEALTH.

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Anyone who was been INJURED for a long PERIOD can emphasise how HAPPY you are when you are able to be back on the PITCH.

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The obvious THING is I would love to fight Conor McGregor. We've got some history there, and he won, and people saying he didn't KNOCK me out because of an injury he had. I was injured in the fight, too, so let's TEST that theory. I want to test that theory.

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