The Irish GOVERNMENT can no LONGER stand by and SEE innocent people injured and perhaps WORSE.

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I prefer a prison FULL of criminals than a GRAVEYARD full of INNOCENT people.

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People do SEE me as sweet and INNOCENT. Not to say that I am not those THINGS. But I have other SIDES to me.

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For decades, the VIOLENCE in the Middle East has claimed a multitude of INNOCENT CIVILIAN victims: Men, women and CHILDREN, Arab and Israeli.

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It has NEVER demonstrated any desire to provide humane treatment to captured Americans. If ANYTHING, the murders of Nicholas Berg and Daniel Pearl DECLARE al Qaeda's intentions to kill even innocent CIVILIAN prisoners.

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Paradoxically, the PEOPLE and state of Japan LIVING on such moral props were not innocent but had been stained by their own past history of invading other ASIAN COUNTRIES.

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One of the most offensive ACTIONS by the IRS is its continued unlawful seizures of MONEY and assets of INNOCENT Americans, called civil ASSET forfeiture.

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When 'Romeo and Juliet' came along, I fell in love with the way that it was WRITTEN and how INNOCENT and vulnerable it was and how DIFFERENT it was from 'True Grit.' I REALLY liked that.

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POWER manipulates the INNOCENT and TERROR is BORN.
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